Sadly, the Vietnamese people don't realize this, or they do and a sick and tired of it.
Perhaps because they have gone through such many wars and so much harsh lives, the Vietnamese people are very soft and tender, yet incredibly durable and patient in the same time.
The authorities in Hong Kong have released a second group of Vietnamese boat people from detention after Vietnam refused to accept them.
Many Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food! You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food, back in the 17th century.
And each of those 6,000 languages and people in the room who know another language would say, "Yeah, in Vietnamese it's this," "in Urdu it's this," "in Czech it's that."
The last is wonderful: the Vietnamese really are an exquisite people, exemplified by the young women who take us around the resort on bicycles.
"The new proposals are very funny, but many Vietnamese people could become the victim of this joke," said le Quang Minh, 31, a Hanoi stockbroker.
“新提议非常滑稽,不过很多越南人可能成为这个笑话的受害者”,河内三十一岁的股票经济leQuang Minh表示。
"As far as Madame Chennault or any number of other people," he added, "I did not authorize them and I had no knowledge of any contact with the South Vietnamese at that point, urging them not to."
Talk to people from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, they will tell you how war-like the Vietnamese are.
China and Vietnam have evacuated hundreds of thousands of people as a tropical storm swept over a southern Chinese island and pushed on toward the central Vietnamese coastline.
The quake was felt as far away as the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi, where some people hurried out of swaying office buildings and into the streets.
This time to conquer the Central Plains Dynasty is the first time dealing with the South Vietnamese people.
But until now few people know the thoughts, history and influences of the Vietnamese Zen.
Vietnamese is belong to South East Asia people. We proud for that. Don't lie. In Vietnam is printed the book, "the Malayo Original roots of Vietnamese Nation".
The Vietnamese worry that the considerable reduction in VAT on electric toothbrushes will be to their disadvantage, and may encourage many people to switch from regular to electric toothbrushes.
I learned that many Vietnamese people still greatly Revere Ho Chi Minh as the father of their country.
Then suddenly one day he woke up in Vietnam and he found himself doing to the Vietnamese exactly what had been done to his people and what he had been conditioned by America to applaud.
Then suddenly one day he woke up in Vietnam and he found himself doing to the Vietnamese exactly what had been done to his people and what he had been conditioned by America to applaud.