You now need to access the virtual console attached to your Linux partition.
The virtual console is used by the operating system as a console for various processes, such as installations, recovery from crashes, and performing boot-related operations.
The HMC provides a virtual console to each partition.
Now that we know what is in the machine, we need to see which of these resources are allocated to the console and which ones are allocated to the virtual machines.
QEMU includes a monitor console that allows you to inspect a running guest operating system as well as control various aspects of the virtual machine (VM).
To say nothing of the stranglehold that the company has on Virtual Console classic game releases.
The controlled variables were number of Processors in Virtual Machine and Maximum Concurrent Jobs maintained with the Contributor Administration Console.
所控制的变量是虚拟机中处理器的数量,以及ContributorAdministration Console中所维护的最大并发任务数。
From the Patterns page on the WebSphere CloudBurst console, select your new pattern and click the deploy button in the center of the panel to deploy a virtual system.
The utilization rates of physical and virtual CPU and memory usage, IP usage, and storage usage are all available in the WebSphere CloudBurst console.
物理和虚拟内存的利用率、内存使用情况、IP 使用情况以及存储使用情况都可以从WebSphereCloudBurst控制台中查看。
You can further verify that the virtual system is started by viewing the virtual system in the WebSphere CloudBurst admin console (Figure 3).
If this does not work, check the virtual host entries in the Application server admin console and ensure that a virtual host has been defined for the Web server's HTTP port.
If this does not work, check the virtual host entries in the Application server admin console and ensure that a virtual host has been defined for the Web server's SSL port.
Once the virtual application is deployed, IBM Workload Deployer allows you to monitor and manage the virtual application deployment from the Virtual Application Console.
在完成虚拟应用程序的部署之后,IBMWorkload Deployer允许您从虚拟应用程序控制台监视和管理虚拟应用程序的部署。
You do have an option to add and change this key from the virtual application console after the application is deployed.
The Virtual Application Console opens in a new browser window.
Switch to the first virtual console (Ctrl + Alt + F1) to see the live system messages; this should tell you where the problem is.
切换到第一个虚拟控制台 (Ctrl +Alt +F1),查看系统消息;这样可以知道哪里出了问题。
Accessing the Virtual Application console.
A virtual search agent could use Web servers and HTTP interfaces to both perceive and manipulate the environment (the Internet) and a console as an effector to communicate with a user.
Once your new virtual system is in the started state, you can access the WebSphere application Server administration console to setup the Apache DayTrader application environment.
In Figure 25, the disk usage for the virtual machine (cbvm-111) created as a result of deploying the custom pattern is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server console.
在图25中,由于部署定制模式而生成的虚拟机(cbvm- 111)的磁盘使用情况将显示在TivoliEnterprisePortalServer控制台中。
The Virtual Application Console has four tabs.
By using the console, you can organize and manage users, collections of software projects, and build and virtual lab environments.
By using the console, you can organize and manage users, collections of software projects, and build and virtual lab environments.