The souvenir of the visitation of Chinese 'Hsi-shi'.
LJ faces Lincoln through the cage in the visitation room.
The visitation rights were established in the amendments to the law of marriage in 2001.
The reason is that the visitation rights of our country have their inherent weaknesses and inadequacies.
If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.
While one parent obtains custody, the visitation rights shall be given to the non-custodial parent to continue relationship with the child.
However, it is not very perfect, especially lacking the regulation on whether parents en joy the visitation right and whether it can be given up.
There is no such thing as abduction, as the human controls visitation by giving the Call and can cancel the visitation instantly by simply stating they no longer wish to be in contact.
A white New York woman gave birth to a black couple's baby in 1998 after an embryo mix-up that set off a two-year court fight between the couples over visitation rights.
I gathered that some suspicious happenings in the locality had led to this visitation by a police officer.
The jail's commander, Maj.Dave Wedding, said some women have exposed themselves to male inmates in video visitation booths, located in plain view in the jail's main lobby.
One study comparing sole and joint custody showed that neither the type of custody nor the frequency of visitation with the non-custodial parent had an effect on the child's adjustment.
Visitation limits apply only to hours and the number of people in a room, they say.
Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
Although visitation from the U.S. declined by 4% compared with the previous year, France remains the No. 4 destination for American travelers, and the second overseas choice, behind the U.K..
They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.
Boys from the nearby dorms appeared in our common room-boys weren't allowed upstairs except during visitation-and summoned certain girls.
This was the place--- God’s Ground Zero --- for realignment of our covenant blessings and to cry for visitation.
在这个地方---神的原点 ---为了重整我们的盟约祝福并呼求造访。
The bells rings and visitation ends.
In Virginia, a 2007 law mandates the kind of visitation policy Obama ordered.
And there shall be no remnant of them: for I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth, even the year of their visitation.
For example, the text of Genesis 19 centers upon the story of Lot's visitation in the city of Sodom by two angels.
The Netherlands-based firm aim to talk couples through alimony, splitting assets, visitation rights for children and any other outstanding marital issues to help finalise a divorce.
There are conlficting reports as to whether the mother of the eldest two, former nurse Debbie Rowe, is seeking custody. The Jackson family are reported to be offering Rowe visitation rights.
Now wearing an orange jumpsuit, Lincoln slumps behind the glass in the prison visitation area.
Sucre asks why he’s not going to open visitation, but the C.O. just says, “Ask your visitor.”
Bellick appears at Michael's cell door and tells Michael that his brother is on the way to final visitation.
Bellick appears at Michael's cell door and tells Michael that his brother is on the way to final visitation.