The Wall Street Journal Asia Wednesday issued its annual review of Asia's 200 most-admired companies.
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The mix-up, Plummer says, erroneously became part of a Wall Street Journal Asia article in 2001, then was referenced in a 2006 Rand Report -- and has been falsely repeated ever since.
普卢默表示,2001年,《亚洲华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal Asia)的一篇文章中错误地混淆了这两家公司,之后该文章在被《2006年兰德报告》(Rand Report)引用——从此之后,这种错误的说法便以讹传讹地流传开来。
The mix-up, Plummer says, erroneously became part of a Wall Street Journal Asia article in 2001, then was referenced in a 2006 Rand Report -- and has been falsely repeated ever since.
普卢默表示,2001年,《亚洲华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal Asia)的一篇文章中错误地混淆了这两家公司,之后该文章在被《2006年兰德报告》(Rand Report)引用——从此之后,这种错误的说法便以讹传讹地流传开来。