The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants.
On some level, they communicate with the wasps.
Anxiously, Allen looked at the nest again-to see the wasps flying straight at him.
The wasps that created these shapes burrowed near dinosaur nests, and are very similar to modern-day wasps.
He hunted, too, for deep-boring grubs under the bark of the trees, and robbed the wasps of their new broods.
Parrish married a pilot after the war. She and her daughter, Nancy, for over a decade have documented the work of the WASPs.
The wasps came by thousands to my lodge in October, as to winter quarters, and settled on my Windows within and on the walls overhead, sometimes deterring visitors from entering.
Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their host—the larva of another insect—and that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis.
He and his colleague believe this ability later allowed for the crowded, highly organized and very social living habits of bees, wasps and ants.
In most species of social insects, such as wasps, bees, and ants, the females rule.
Here are the beautiful and creepy images of scorpions, wasps, sharks, bees and spiders they sent us.
Biologists at the University of washing-ton observed the behavior of paper wasps (Mischocyttarus mastigorphorus) in the Costa Rican rain forest and then measured the size of their brains.
In a separate experiment, the team collected and examined wild bumblebees and wasps and discovered molecular evidence of viruses that can infect honeybees.
Box jellies, also called sea wasps and Marine stingers, live primarily in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific.
Until now, the wing colors of many flies and wasps were dismissed as random iridescence.
What's more, a number of wild pollinators, such as bumblebees, yellowjackets, and wasps, can also become infected with viruses in the pollen.
Parasitoid wasps and flies use their long ovipositors to thrust their eggs into the eggs and bodies of other insects.
Observations of the insect by previous researchers revealed that unlike other wasps that are more active in the early morning, the Oriental hornet is most active in the middle of the day.
Scientists are planning to release 250, 000 wasps in the North-East region of Thailand to halt a mealy bug infestation that threatens to destroy its lucrative cassava crop.
But once Janzen, who breeds wasps for his research on caterpillar-parasite symbioses, started to look, colors could be seen by the naked eye as wings passed over insects' black bodies.
Only the female wasps hibernate in a safe place with their eggs.
But if you're a fruit fly, literally dousing your offspring in alcohol is apparently one of the best ways to protect them from danger, particularly from certain types of wasps.
Traditionally, the mainstream Americans were called WASPs, that is, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
In fact, it seems that most flies that eat rotting fruit use the alcohol defense against wasps.
In fact, it seems that most flies that eat rotting fruit use the alcohol defense against wasps.