The water table is the underground boundary below which all the cracks and pores are filled with water.
Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.
Excess water from irrigation sinks down into the water table.
Typically, though, the water table may be tens or hundreds of meters below the surface.
If no drainage system exists, the water table rises, bringing dissolved salts to the surface.
In some cases, the water table reaches Earth's surface, where it is expressed as rivers, lakes and marshes.
Water in the vadose zone drains down to the water table, leaving behind a thin coating of water on mineral grains.
In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps.
In particularly wet years, short stretches of an otherwise dry stream-bed may have flowing water because the water table rises to intersect the land surface.
Because the surface of the water table is not flat but instead rises and falls with topography, groundwater is affected by gravity in the same fashion as surface water.
In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able to reach the water table at deep sinkholes called cenotes, or at deep caves.
If the water table intersect the land surface, groundwater will flow out onto the surface at springs, whether to be collected there or to subsequently flow farther along a drainage.
"Before we had the water table because it was fun and kids liked it," she said.
When the water table is at normal height, the fire dies down when it hits the earth.
Fracking can damage the water table, disrupt communities and even cause earthquakes.
The water table is falling fast in densely populated and poor regions of China, Mexico and India.
Wells can be drilled, or dug, depending on the soil and rock and the height of the water table.
Rights provide quotas, but Israeli farmers do not want to see them traded-and the water table drops.
Now we have the water table so kids can explore how water moves and actually explore scientific ideas.
As Wells are drilled and the water table drops, the underlying soil compacts, much like a dried-out sponge.
Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth.
Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth.
Landowners, whose fields will benefit from the resulting rise in the water table, donate some of their labor.
This decrease in the water table is a major contributor to land subsidence - New Orleans, like Venice, is sinking.
In wet periods, when the water table was high, animals could easily drink from seepage ponds near the surface.
Above the water table, ancient caverns abandoned by the river slowly fill up with stalactites and stalagmites.
More than a century of groundwater over-exploitation in Vietnam has drawn the water table down and, with it, arsenic.
Because his 500 acres sits on a lousy patch on the water table, every well he drill has to go deeper than the last one.
Because his 500 acres sits on a lousy patch on the water table, every well he drill has to go deeper than the last one.