Walk the road will go through Longchuan bridge bridge steady stream of vehicles and the water under the bridge quiet leisurely splash.
The water under the bridge is now low and filthy, looking almost chemically polluted, with lots of litter thrown onto the dry ground just below the bridge.
Sat in the car, watching the Bay Bridge, under the wide water, in my mind, appearing Cecil joy.
But now, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, and Beijing has become one of the most modern cities in the world, but Manila has not changed for decades.
This was the bridge in 1994. When the dam is finally complete, even the top of the bridge will be under water.
People remember the little touches and if they're dwelling on the thoughtful note you left, any small problems along the way will become so much water under the bridge.
通常人们会记住这些小小的感动,如果他们看你留下的感谢信,以前工作时的不快都会成为过眼云烟。 。
Under the Segovia's Roman water bridge, to enjoy the granite piled up by the twenty thousand, composed of a long row of arches of water bridge, spectacular beauty.
The importance to monitor the pore water pressure and to study the permeability of soil under the north anchorage of Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is analyzed firstly.
Silently listening to the wind on the river and the water which went to the east under the bridge with a lot of the bloom of lives and flowing years went to silence.
Silently listening to the wind on the river and the water which went to the east under the bridge with a lot of the bloom of lives and flowing years went to silence.