There are byproducts from globalization , which will lead the wealthy people more wealthy while poor people poorer.
In the sixteenth century, fruit and vegetables were to be found only in gardens belonging to wealthy people.
Wealthy people would compete, spending enormous amounts of money to buy the rarest flowers for their gardens.
Soon, members of the Royal family and other wealthy people took up motoring as a sport.
Rather officials must avoid double standards or different types of access for average people and the wealthy.
Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by inequality: A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, wealthy people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art.
The happiest nations, he says, are those where people feel most equal, even if that means being less wealthy.
It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to make such an AD and buy air time, so many people immediately suspected that wealthy Republicans were behind the effort.
The only puzzle, given how incredibly wealthy we are by the standards of our ancestors, is why more people don't opt for the extra time instead of the extra money.
The Geneva-based World Heart Federation says people in wealthy countries are living longer because of good medical treatment.
Wealthy countries race to bring faster connections to more people, while the rest of the world struggles to get up to speed.
The real estate developers should not seek only profits and build houses for wealthy people only.
Even though there are plenty of angry wealthy people involved, one person stands out as the poster child for the lockout.
Hao Ting, who owns a petroleum-equipment business in Beijing, recalls the investment sales pitch from her private banker in Hong Kong at Singapore's DBS Bank: "The world is made for wealthy people.
The best tippers tend to be middle-class or people who have worked for everything they have, not the really wealthy or the kid who inherited the trust fund.
WHY the RICH AREN't smarter: other people "glorify wealth and think that it means that the wealthy are smarter, wiser, more 'blessed' or some other such crock."
This was because most of them owed money to the bank. Most wealthy people supported Clay, too.
He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life.
But the number of people who get rich by singing or kicking a ball is tiny compared with the number who become wealthy or influential through brainpower.
They provide for favourable tax treatment that reduces the tax bills of wealthy people who live in the UK but do not regard it as their permanent home.
But can the feat be achieved without paying the kind of fees that make the managers, rather than the clients, wealthy people?
It was private land, dissected by the driveways, the buck-and-rail fences, the arched gateways of people wealthy enough to have a second home, or a third, on the headwaters of the Green.
These days, the truly rich never wear suits. Suits are for the people who work for the wealthy.
And even wealthy people who are not feeling the pinch may have become more cautious about spending ostentatiously.
The hotel will be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to do research in space.
The hotel will be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to do research in space.