The canteen takes all the ground floor of the west wing.
The stables adjoin the west wing of the house.
Beast: Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing!
Story of the West Wing, it wouldn't be as interesting a book.
I am pleased that she will be part of my senior team in the West Wing.
Our family covers the west wing rooms. There's a smaller lawn behind them.
He looked along to the west wing, and saw that the library was a fire too.
The meeting started in the White House Situation Room, in the basement of the West Wing.
Off an east doorway is a small sitting room used as an office until the West Wing was built.
MC: Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER, Tracy Takes on and The West Wing!
A frantic E-mail quickly made its way to the West Wing: did someone - anyone - have a shirt Mr. Summers could borrow?
The west wing of the canopy is covered in transparent solar cells, which are oriented to optimize energy production.
Hillary caused a stir when she set up an office in the West Wing, a signal that she was a force to be reckoned with.
In the West Wing, boxes of documents are already being shipped to a storage center in Lewisville, Tex., outside Dallas.
Preparations have been going on for weeks, both on the business side of the mansion, the West Wing, and in the residence.
Named for its distinctive oval shape, the Oval Office is part of the complex of offices that make up the West Wing of the White House.
Aaron Sorkin, the West Wing creator, is already planning to adapt the book, which doesn't have a publication date yet, into a movie.
虽然该书还没有确切的出版日期,《白宫风云》(the West Wing)的编剧,艾伦·索金(Aeron Sorkin)已经打算在该书出版后,将其改编为电影。
The result shows that the deep confined karst water is supplied by the water from both the east wing and the west wing of Maoba syncline.
This time, although he vomit a phrase is not very clear, but I heard a tune, unexpectedly is jay Chou's "in the west wing of the affair".
Debates over the most accurate spelling of his name are so common that they were once featured in an episode of the TV series the West Wing.
The folks who gather early every morning in the West Wing office of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel have something new in common these days.
The popular Grand Café in the West Wing will be continued in the East Wing as the Garden Café, serving professional international buffets to guests.
The seismic structural analyses and design are carried out by means of response spectrum and time history methods for the west wing of Beijing Hotel.
Aaron Sorkin, who has enjoyed huge success in network television (with "The West Wing") and film (" The Social network ") is developing a new series for HBO.
在网络电视领域(代表作品《西翼》)和电影方面(代表作品《社交网络》)风生水起的阿伦·索尔金(Aaron Sorkin)正为HBO拍摄新剧集。
All who enter the Oval Office, Roosevelt Room and Cabinet Room are asked to leave their mobile devices in baskets like these, stationed around the West Wing.
MATTHEW PERRY`S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing`s Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.
MATTHEW PERRY`S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing`s Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.