Here everybody focused on the black dot instead of the white paper.
The white paper is just like our whole life and the black dot is the problems we face every day.
The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the centre of the paper represents problems in our daily life.
The white paper is like our whole life and the black 'X' in the middle of the paper is just like problems in our daily life.
The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents problems in our life.
After reading all the answers, the teacher said, "Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper."
Delegating constructors: Read the white paper on delegating constructors.
The white paper printability, therefore, more suitable for printing text, lines or color.
Liu Zhenmin: Dear friends from the press, welcome to today's press conference on the white paper.
The first part of the white paper reviews the core responsibilities of the Spring kernel, these are
The white paper on his pen to describe. everyone in his own experience to fill out records of life.
The time portrayed in stone, wood, the white paper, this is the only way to be able to leave a time.
The white paper also clarifies doubts for those who question China's strategic intentions with the facts.
Although the white paper is fairly high-level it manages to emphasize the majority of important SOA concerns.
If the White Paper is passed through the Houses of Parliament, work will not start until 2017 at the earliest.
In the seventh part, the white paper stresses the importance of the "Popularization and Education of the Law."
In some cases of live birth, the white paper reported that prison guards killed the infant or left it for dead.
Those interested in this can read the white paper Partitioned Table and Index Strategies Using SQL Server 2008.
对此感兴趣的读者可以阅读白皮书《使用SQL Server 2008的分区表和索引策略》。
Here everyone focused on the black dot wrote about it but no one wrote about the white paper, the same is with our lives.
When I came to undo the package I was surprised to see the forms of some of the letters distinctly printed on the white paper.
Each book is a black word printed on the soul of the white paper, as long as my eyes, my mind contact with it, it will live up to.
The white paper is deliberately technology agnostic, staying clear of referencing implementation approaches to SOA such as Web Services or JBI.
The white paper is a great document, simplifying navigation between different standards, their relationships and how and where to use each standard.
Nine years of time in my life the white paper painted a long trajectory, nine years of time like running water easily stole your most valuable time.
Nor does the white paper discuss any of China's considerable purchases of advanced weaponry from Russia in recent years, mainly for its navy and air force.
My handwriting looks like that a swarm of ants, which have just escaped out from an ink-bottle, not waiting to wipe clean their feet, scatter on the white paper.
My handwriting looks like that a swarm of ants, which have just escaped out from an ink-bottle, not waiting to wipe clean their feet, scatter on the white paper.