Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting.
And isn't all yoga good for the whole body, including our joints?
In one set of video clips the whole body and head but not the face could be seen.
The thyroid gland, one of these glands, affects the whole body and every cell function.
It's the only sensible choice, I think. Otherwise the disease will infect the whole body.
If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
The Outer Gate point (TW 5) helps to balance the immune system and strengthen the whole body.
Then select the whole body part of the message by setting the value under Message Body to Yes.
Writing involves not only the hand and wrist but also the arm, the shoulder, sometimes the whole body.
The whole body is filled with this space, which also extends outside the body in every direction.
Then our treatment should take into account the whole body, the five senses, and even his emotional state.
Both the increased concentration and the partial pressure of oxygen increase oxygenation of the whole body.
Catching a project is pull one hair and use the whole body, whole economy job can be brought into play rise.
Eventually you could have a body filled with cells that were aware of the whole body and seeking to serve it.
Imagine yourself is also a member of them, rolling around on the flowers, the whole body covered with pollen.
I guess they peacefully to say good-bye which Ms.Liang retreat with the whole body and then posses the whole world.
The eye muscle is the fastest reacting muscle of the whole body. It contracts in less than 1/100th of a second.
I guess they peacefully to say good-bye which Ms. Liang retreat with the whole body and then posses the whole world.
Geldenhuys added: "Only when it was attacking did I see the fin, but then I could see the whole body under the water."
Surgical treatment for younger and more, the whole body in good shape, physical symptoms to the side of the main tremor.
He begins by saying that you should first purify the whole body-the stomach, intestines, nervous system and other systems.
In contrast, the mummy of Irtyersenu contains organs, but the whole body seems to be coated in a mysterious waxy substance.
The whole body measures 3.3 meters long, 1.465 meters wide, and 1.41 meters high. The wheelbase of the vehicle is 2.175 meters.
We look at an extremely broad range of doses and look at effects from the molecular level, to the cell level and the whole body level.
She said: 'to get us started, I've chosen some of my favourite exercises for toning the whole body, all of which can be done at home.
We showed that the actions of single gene in just one part of the brain can have profound effects on the metabolism of the whole body.
Whenever the Web service is invoked, a message handler reads the body of the request and saves the whole body in the body_of_request static variable.
调用Web服务时,消息处理程序将读取请求的主体,并将整个主体保存在body _ of _ request静态变量中。
Whenever the Web service is invoked, a message handler reads the body of the request and saves the whole body in the body_of_request static variable.
调用Web服务时,消息处理程序将读取请求的主体,并将整个主体保存在body _ of _ request静态变量中。