She believed in capturing the whole person, not just what was on the surface, that's where the expressionists' distortion is important, in an attempt to reveal the subjects' character or personality.
I have Meng of the whole person, it would mean that the fate of the sentencing to death!
No change in the whole person, but colleagues say that I am black, I think may be of tanning .
Rainy days, I am lazy, even the whole person, and do not want to go out, and even do not want to go to class.
That he did not take my phone, did not return my text messages, as if the whole person from my life disappeared.
All these have a function to perform in prayer, for the whole person is called to share in the total act of worship.
When you treat the whole person, weight loss-and many other medical problems-becomes astonishingly easy to deal with.
Roller coaster and jumping machine is the car itself has a speed, and then take your body forward, the whole person is back.
Healing meant not just of the body but of the whole person: mind, spirit and potential, bringing it back to work as God intended.
I've been asked: "What's wrong with getting you in little 140-character status updates?" Doesn't it sort of add up to the whole person?
High temperature, the morning Nov Dec point, 2:00 PM, the whole person lying on the floor observable target, the elbow is blistering, and burned.
The expanded perspective of holistic as considering the whole person and the whole situation allows us to apply holistic as an adjective to anything.
Usually they want treatment only for symptoms, says Dejian, but "Chan Wu Yi treats the whole person. When the person is healthy, the symptoms disappear."
It emphasizes the need to look at the whole person, including analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values.
Therefore, TEFL is one means to fulfill the aim of English education, and it is also the very outward form to entail the inward content of educating the whole person.
When we took the steps to the stage, because my skirt is too long for me, almost stepped on her skirt fell down, suddenly the whole person in the sweating, fast heartbeat of voice.
Climbed halfway up looking back the full mountain jasmine, peach blossom and apricot flowers I spent the whole person as if place oneself in the sea is really extremely intoxicated.
Through the education of the whole person and the formation of needed professionals and through various corporate activities, the University aims to contribute to the development goals of the nation.
We need to remember that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.
It is hard to imagine how a person is to spend the whole life when only the head and hands are able to move.
Her whole person, permeated with the joy of youth, of innocence, and of beauty, breathed forth a splendid melancholy.
The man appeared to be about sixty years of age; he seemed sad and serious; his whole person presented the robust and weary aspect peculiar to military men who have retired from the service.
Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.
If you know how to hypnotize yourself, this technique might be a useful one, using the "Best Me" technique of self-hypnosis. Use this to involve your whole person in the process of going to sleep.
All he can to calm myself down, he seems some hysterical, he wants to tell the person of whole world, I finally have the news magazine sent him manuscripts culverts.
What you do need is an overall Community engagement plan - a plan that will guide all the engagement activities of your whole organization, whether in person or over the Internet.
And I am not a person easily scared by anything. The whole situation was just so... unnatural.
Rather than looking at the whole census, the two researchers relied on a sample of one person in 250.
This is an attractive option for many teachers because students feel more comfortable making mistakes in front of just one person, rather than the whole class.
This is an attractive option for many teachers because students feel more comfortable making mistakes in front of just one person, rather than the whole class.