The Wild Rose distributes extensive and it's resource is plentiful.
The poison secreted by the gallfly produces monstrous growth on the wild rose or oaktree.
The flowers and fruit of the wild rose can be used to make a natural herb tea, which is rich in trace nutrients.
Perhaps the shadow of the Wild Rose Zheduo folk art in the thick of the fishing village charm Wuzhen that infiltration and yet another will be thick bloom day.
The Wild Rose, the product of literary activities undertaken by some intellectuals in Kunming during the Anti-Japanese War, is the masterpiece of the School of the Warring States.
Amu hidden in the back of the wild rose, several want to take to Miss chameleon, but Amu concern since a hideous skin will be scared brothers, only from a distance with her every day.
When the Chinese five-star red flag rose high above the tennis court in Paris, and when our national anthem rang, thousands of Chinese people were wild with joy.
A sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.
This house was not covered by wild rose bushes. A nice little garden in front of the house was full of blue and yellow flowers.
Mr. Coyote knew he could not let the animals know he was blind. He felt his way to a wild rose bush; he then put two rose petals in for his eyes.
The next spring, Dr. Dornhaus moved her study to the well-flowered thyme, lavender and wild rose shrublands of Spain, repeating her experiment and refining it.
Chinese sweet tea from the wild in Guangxi rose family (or thorny branches), research shows that its anti-allergy, hay fever can be used for the prevention and treatment.
The sides of the boxes are clad inblack and coffee colored metal panels textured with perforations patterned after the local Henan wild rose.
This year the 15th ultra strong typhoon "wild rose" threatening, approaches gradually to the Fujian and Zhejiang coast area.
Thee first true primary red rose seen in Europe was "Slater's Crimson China" introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains.
The company also developed production of gelatin particles Deer, wild blueberry capsules, capsules and other products rose.
The middle notes of delicate and tender flowers somewhat soften this sensualist whirlwind leaving Wild Rose and Freesia to flourish.
The scenery was spectacular with ginger bread houses, cows with huge cow bells grazing on buttercup meadows and a carpet of wild flowers including the Mountain Rose.
Rose and Galen were nearly knocked from the path when a riderless, wild-eyed horse galloped by.
Grass now grew in the streets. And the little houses were covered by wild rose bushes.
Newly hatched at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas, this Attwater's prairie-chicken is part of a captive breeding program aimed at increasing the birds' Numbers in the wild.
Middle Notes: The signature core of whimsical Red Tulips is surrounded by a velvety array of Rose Absolute, Wild Honeysuckle, Gardenia Petals and a touch of Tuberose.
In turn, she is the wild flowers in scrub and the beautiful rose in garden also.
Flower petal 5, the tip micro concave, the wild wild rose is a single-lobe, also has the double petals cultivated variety.
The white wild rose represents the chaste love;
The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild.