So each autumn, before wet, cold weather leaks over the mountains, he waits for the humidity to be just right, for the wind to blow just so, and then he burns portions of his 50-acre spread.
So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the Lord made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night.
Lights perched that high can easily blow over, so when the wind picked up, Barisonzi weighted her stands with sand bags and had an assistant spot the higher stand on the left.
Wind may blow over boat, but, if you operate it properly, wind is the important force to propel boat to your destination.
Just as we were beginning to enjoy the sunshine, the sky clouded over and a cold wind began to blow.
After the cessation of the rains, the wind continued to blow over the ocean, churning it like milk, until lands, like butter, came into existence.
Next, you put the solar lights in place by sticking them in the ground to a point where they are snug and will not blow over in the wind.
Next, you put the solar lights in place by sticking them in the ground to a point where they are snug and will not blow over in the wind.