But as I write, I know that I'll be happy to cling to the hard and scaly back of this particular dancing dragon as I wait for Book 6, "the Winds of Winter."
In a post on his blog, he wrote that the past two decades have "transformed my life and career". And confirmed he has still not finished writing the sixth instalment, The Winds of Winter.
Some people associate winter with the time of grey gloomy clouds and sharp winds, melancholic snowfalls, endless nights, and transient days.
It was the beginning of winter, when low temperatures and relentless winds made dinner over a pot of boiling broth very enticing.
As the cold winds of winter creep in, people look to their homes for the comfort of warmth.
They reconstructed the height of the hills and looked for the best places for human habitation: Areas close to water that would have been sheltered from the harsh winter winds.
Horses were valued as the single measure of true wealth thus their horses were brought into the family tents, blanketed against the cold desert nights and winter winds.
You will have sailed in all conditions from warm trade winds, through winter storms, tropical heat of the Doldrums, crossing the Equator twice and the International Date Line.
Climbing out of the car, he felt the sharp winds of winter tear at his hair, ruffling it over his eyes.
The building's form was sculpted so that it is minimally impacted by the winter winds, but can take full advantage of the summer winds for natural ventilation.
The frosts of winter had ceased; its snows were melted, and its cutting winds ameliorated.
Hawaii enjoys a mild climate year-round because of the season winds, the temperature varies little from day to night and from summer to winter.
In contrast, winds blowing across the ocean toward the coast of a continent, as in the northwestern United State during winter months, have less effect on the coastal ocean.
Asked local residents to know, cold winter on the island, particularly high winds, only those of the roof can withstand strong winds.
Just musing aloud here, so don't anyone get all hysterical... but depending on how long the book comes out, moving some of these finished chapters into WINDS of WINTER may make sense.
Just musing aloud here, so don't anyone get all hysterical... but depending on how long the book comes out, moving some of these finished chapters into WINDS of WINTER may make sense.