This article introduces the work progress research content and communication with other organizations of ITU-T FGNGN since it was found.
This paper introduces the primary function of each parts of ICM and the work progress of ICM 'cpu. gives failure analysis and brings out some good measures.
Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers.
I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate depiction of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym.
This is still a work in progress, but the degree of activity and experimentation provides cause for optimism.
Just as your career is a work in progress, so are the relationships and agreements that support you along the way.
The company's engineers use blogs and wikis as core tools for reporting on the progress of their work.
When these are combined with KPI-designed dashboards, operational managers can visually monitor and, thus, better manage the progress of individual work items in real time.
Although the actual work progress will likely not follow this line, significant deviations are a cause for concern, particularly if the actual progress continues to trend away from the idea.
It's all a work in progress. The important thing is to learn to go with the flow instead of paddling against it.
Even defining the disorder is a work in progress, as psychologists continue to debate its official criteria.
Adding developer tests to the code base gives you a map to work from, but the progress itself is still painstakingly slow.
You're really doing the same thing in both cases: documenting tasks, gathering work estimates, and tracking progress with an eye on the schedule.
It's restructuring sales and trading, wealth management is a work in progress, and the revamping of asset management is still to come.
This daily, incremental progress through the work in the product backlog is shown in Figure 1-2.
My work investigates issues of urbanity, modernity, progress and the otherworldly.
If work item's state is New or In Progress, the work item status can be judged with Balance Time and Extra-plan.
如果工作项的状态是New或者InProgress,那么工作项状态可以使用平衡时间和Extra - plan来判断。
As mentioned before, work items are quickly accessible from the Rational Application Developer status bar, which also indicates the work item currently in progress.
正如前面提到过的那样,可以从RationalApplication Developer状态栏中快速访问工作项,它还指出了工作项的当前进度。
It's best to consider the SO2 measurements a work in progress, emphasized Pickering.
As the command executes, it describes work in progress, then outputs the results shown below.
Each iteration also gives the customer representatives an opportunity to comment on the work in progress and influence the future direction of the development.
The semantic web has been a work in progress for over a decade-indeed, Sir Tim has said that he has been working on it since he started work on the web.
The distribution of work shifts from requirements analysis to design to implementation, testing, and deployment as the phases progress.
That is why we must do the hard work to lay the groundwork for progress in our own capitals.
Because it is much easier to keep the site as a work in progress after launch, not only visually and structurally, but in terms of its goals.
According to the progress principle, of all the events that can keep people engaged and happy at work, the most important is simply making progress on meaningful work.
Each day in the late afternoon we would meet with the client, discuss our progress to date, emphasizing the work done since the last meeting.
This should not be surprising, as that spec was written specifically in an attempt to satisfy the requirements. Still, the spec is a work in progress.
The model shown in Figure 1 is a work in progress for the portfolio management workspace.
The model shown in Figure 1 is a work in progress for the portfolio management workspace.