Does boss like the workaholic?
If one day, a nine-to-five, or the workaholic overtime every night and suddenly talking about love.
It was an intense relationship: Gates the workaholic code writer and competitor, Allen the dreamy visionary.
Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation.
In the sphere of work, Britain will emerge as a radically bifurcating country: increasingly divided between the workaholic and the work-shy.
Here are a few tips to help you, the workaholic, re-focus and get the best out of life and keep you healthy and alive in the long run too!
A workaholic. This is what you have become. Here are a few tips to help you, the workaholic, re-focus and get the best out of life (and keep you healthy and alive in the long run too!)
While he appreciates his family more than ever, he is the same workaholic with the same drive that got him this far.
"I'm just as workaholic and prone to errors as anyone else," he says.. "I have way too many projects, and it would probably be better for me and the academic community if I focused my efforts."
People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really", or "a bit of a workaholic".
The days at the store were long, but Mark was a born workaholic, and everyone pitched in, including Sandra, who often waited on customers at night and monitored the greeting card inventory.
杂货店每天营业时间很长,况且马克天生就是工作狂,加上一家人齐上阵,包括桑德拉在内。 大家经常在夜里依然等着客户光临,或者盘点贺卡的库存状况。
This does not mean being a workaholic or a super problem solver, but rather to find and perfect ways to leverage the investment you and your organization have in the talent that has been hired.
Men, too, often make hard sacrifices (failed marriages, missing their children grow up) to reach the pinnacles of their careers, especially in our increasingly workaholic and wired culture.
They’ll probably be willing to assist since, in my experience, they are usually the ones whom you have made to suffer worst during your years as a workaholic.
At the time, I was somewhat of a workaholic, clocking in sixty-hour weeks.
Nick was a raging workaholic, and besides, he’d never leave Tommy alone at the shop to greet customers.
I was a real workaholic in the past, putting in 60 hour work weeks to make sure I had every minute scheduled, working as fast as I could to get things done on time, on schedule and perfectly.
Taking the kind of vacation you’ve always taken — assuming you’re not such a hopeless workaholic that you can’t remember what that’s like — won’t do for this purpose.
Part of the problem may be that young men, who during Japan’s free-wheeling boom era rarely saw their workaholic fathers, do not want to fall into the same trap.
But I think the real answer lies in our workaholic culture's contempt for a time-waster like sleep.
It's possible he wanted still more money or land or power--maybe he was the one workaholic who really spent his last minutes wishing he'd spent more time at the office.
If you're already an overachiever, have been dubbed a "workaholic," or are generally exhausted, then you need to slow down and break the habit of setting impossible goals for yourself in the New Year.
The problem: Every night, your workaholic boss is still glued to the computer when you need to leave. How to go home without looking like a slacker?
Overload: a workaholic is a type of representative, although their the attitude toward work very well, but in so no reasonable arrangement work, of their body will do a lot of damage.
Overload: a workaholic is a type of representative, although their the attitude toward work very well, but in so no reasonable arrangement work, of their body will do a lot of damage.