The reason effort is becoming a less useful measurement for inputs isn’t because the world is cruel or the apocalypse is on its way, but because the amount of new opportunities has skyrocketed.
At its core, law is about living in a world where there are problems with no solutions, impossible dilemmas, cruel choices, and imperfect human beings who are just trying to do the best they can.
As an outsider, I think it is so cruel to the kids, they are so young and innocent, they don't know about the world, why should they deserve those vicious words.
The world is not the most cruel beast, not the executioner, but time; because time waits for no time without mercy.
The problem is that Fitch attempts to pen an ending that will please all, while seemingly ignoring the theme of survival in a cruel world that was prevalent in the rest of the novel.
Thee world is not the most cruel beast, not the executioner, but time; because time waits for no time without mercy.
世界上最残忍的不是野兽,不是刽子手,而是时间;因为时间不等人,时间不留情。 。
The most cruel thing in the world is when you know I love you, but I don't know I love you.
God created life, perhaps is to let you see for yourself what the world can be cruel to the point.
The director gave animal emotion thickness through an angle of feelings and present, facing the romance and warmth human world is ugly, cool and cruel.
No wonder it will be a cruel comparison, but it is an universal routine in the world.
In addition, if there is a road from 0 to ens, and it is very difficult from 0 to ens, there is no theory, then for the later world, it is too cruel.
As the saying goes that it is not an enemy that does not gather the head, the cat and mice in the world chase the cruel game that I ran doing to you forever.
This world is so dark, and who has qualified to talk about grief, blame the reality is too cruel.
The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.
The story is set in the future, Willis's business entertainment unreal world, has a group of robots, as the human emotional vent, crimes in real life can not be implemented various cruel victim.