Tooth brushing became popular during the World War I.
During the World War II, millions of Germans lost their lives.
Even while Copenhagen was under occupation by the Nazis during the World War Ⅱ, it still did not fight.
After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to Northern France to visit the World War I battlefields.
We lack neither the immediacy of the events happening now, nor the distance of - say - the World War 2 tweets in a similar vein put out by the National Archive.
He has been flying planes since the 1930s and trained B-52 pilots during the World War II. He has never crashed an airplane or been injured by a plane-related incident.
他在上世纪30年代就取得飞行执照,二战期间还培训过b - 52轰炸机飞行员,70多年来从未坠机,也未在相关事故中受伤。
The history of the atomic energy had deep roots in the times before the World War 2, long before the June 1954, the day when the first workable plant has started working.
"My mom was always willing take on new challenges and caring for the World War II veterans energized her to take another chance to make a difference," said son Justin Decker.
Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions, their whole lives were regulated; perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards, by a regard for precedent.
The 1939-45 world war involved the mass of the population.
The nation's manhood died on the battlefields of World War I.
The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation.
Pizza became a favorite dish in Italy, but pizza really became an international dish after the Second World War, when thousands of American soldiers went home from Europe.
It's about World War Ⅱ and the Australian director is famous.
They died during World War II at the end of the movie.
In those years, just after World War I, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense.
The outbreak of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were again called up on to replace men in the factories.
During the Second World War, Hopper joined the United States Navy.
The problems with the nation's cuisine can be traced back to the Second World War.
Steel's fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War.
The rise of fast-food restaurants after the Second World War produced a society full of cheap, industrially made foodstuffs.
In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.
After the Second World War, for example, businesses and government sought to persuade women to vacate jobs in factories, thus making room in the labor force for returning veterans.
In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.
It was there that the young Jewish girl wrote her famous diary during World War II.
Economic anarchy scourged the post-war world.
The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England's World War II prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill.
The full-time home worker's duties also shifted to include more household management, childcare, and the post-Second World War phenomenon of being "Mom's taxi."
The full-time home worker's duties also shifted to include more household management, childcare, and the post-Second World War phenomenon of being "Mom's taxi."