The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.
These are some of cruelty text, writing this text is need courage, strength and life of the big experience.
His frustrated life experience and his identity both as one of the members of a devastated nation and an intellectual of the first world influenced his entire writing career.
The current way of writing "history of Chinese philosophy" is both separated from the life experience of traditional Chinese and damaging to the original forms of Chinese ancient books and records.
Hieratic life and writing experience best answer his enigma of renouncing the family.
Fei Ming comes out from Huangmei village as a writer. He has deep feelings for human scenery of his own homeland, so that he can not escape the rural life experience to give his intuition on writing.
"Jane Eyre" in the plot and characters, most of her life experience or are very familiar with, say she is full of passion, so the progress of writing quickly, less than a year on the finalized.
From Bishop's whole life experience and her poetry writing, the theme of exile is indicating their efforts to find "the Pure Land and spiritual support of modern people."
Kawabata Yasunari 's keenness on writing the death theme was not able to separate him from his experience of life, outlook of life, aesthetic standards and his age as well.
Kawabata Yasunari 's keenness on writing the death theme was not able to separate him from his experience of life, outlook of life, aesthetic standards and his age as well.