Tonight, in our show we have David Duchovny, who has starred in the popular TV series, The X-files.
今晚,大卫·杜楚尼将做客我们的节目,他曾出演热门电视剧《X 档案》。
I'm watching the X-Files. This is the season finale. I don't want to miss it.
The release of the documents coincide with the long-awaited return of the X-Files on Sunday.
Reminds me of an episode of the X-Files where two bits of reality exist in the same place, all fused.
想起一个插曲,我的X -档案两名现实位在同一个地方存在,所有的融合。
Sergio: I used to watch the X-Files with FBI agents MULDER and SCULLY. They taught me a lot about UFOs and the paranormal.
塞吉奥:我过去总看《X -档案》,它里边的联邦调查局特工马尔德和斯古利教了我大量的UFO和特异功能的知识。
That's why mystery novels and films have been popular for decades, and why shows like "The X-Files" and "Lost" are cult hits.
MULDER: If you're about to tell me that you were sent down here to work on the X-Files I think the failure is simple judgment.
You could also mistake them, in the right light, with certain extra-terrestrials from any number of TV series, such as the X-Files.
Originally dismissed as a rip-off of similar series like The X-Files and Supernatural, this quirky little show has earned a place for itself.
The X-Files: I Want to Believe "is a taut, well-acted, thoughtfully organized, not very scary, not very hard to figure out serial-killer mystery."
With the voice of Mitch Pileggi (X Files) detailing the intricacies of each stunt, viewers will surely not be disappointed with the fascinating plethora of magic tricks their eyes can feast upon.
It turns out that XFS 1.0.x had the unfortunate tendency of frequently mangling recently modified files if your server happened to crash or unexpectedly lose power.
事实证明,如果您的服务器碰巧崩溃或者意外断电,XFS 1.0 . x有一种很不好的倾向,那就是会破坏最近修改过的文件。
The advantage with module over Axis 1.x handler chain is that you can add a new module without changing any global configuration files at all.
与Axis 1. x处理程序链相比,使用模块的优势在于,您可以在根本不改变全局配置文件的情况下添加新模块。
Smartly, the prompt shows the current branch (" rubricmods ") and a red X, indicating that the current repository is dirty or that local files have been modified but not committed.
提示显示了当前的分支(“rubricmods ”)和一个红色的X,这表示当前存储库是“脏的”,即已经修改了本地文件,但还没有提交。
WASPostUpgrade also creates deployment descriptor files based on the V3.x configuration.
WASpostUpgrade也创建基于V3 . x配置的部署描述符文件。
files (ever since DB2 Version 5.x), but @db2schema.bnd isn't required all the time and is tripping a lot of clients up with DB2 FixPack 10.
大多数客户习惯于绑定 @db2ubind.lst和 @db2cli.lst文件(从DB2Version 5.x 开始就是这样),但并不是所有时候都需要 @db2schema.bnd,很多使用 DB2FixPack 10的客户就是被它给绊了一跤。
The preferred service-configuration technique (or frontend, in CXF terminology) used with CXF is JAX-WS 2.x annotations, generally supplemented by XML configuration files.
CXF使用的首选服务配置技术(或在cxf术语中称为前端)是JAX - WS 2 .x注释,通常附有XML配置文件。
Some systems do not have this option but do have the -x command-line option, which only includes the file usage for files on the same device or file system as the path you specify.
有些系统没有这个选项,但是有- x命令行选项,该选项仅包含与您所指定的路径相同的设备或文件系统中的文件使用情况。
To restore a file or files, the tar command is used with the extract switch (-x).
要还原一个或多个文件,可以使用带提取开关(- x)的tar命令。
The .bundle extension is a file extension used for plug-in files that adds extra features to the operating system or an application in Mac OS X.
bundle扩展名是插件文件所用的文件扩展名,插件文件为MacOS X中的操作系统或应用程序添加额外特性。
The OS X file system is organized in a way that groups related files and data together in specific places.
For WebSphere Application server V5.x, inspect the serverindex.xml and server.xml files for the majority of the port values for the configuration.
对于WebSphereApplicationserver v 5 . x,请检查serverindex . xml和server . xml文件以了解该配置的大多数端口值。
Most system tools on OS X use the Core Foundation framework, which provides (among other things) support for reading and writing files in this format.
OSX上的大部分系统工具使用了核心基础(Core Foundation)结构,它能够提供该格式的读写支持。
To play.ogg files the first thing to do is download and install the XiphQT QuickTime Component for Windows or OS X (link below).
要想播放。og g文件,首先就要去下载并且安装Windows或者OSX(链接在下方)环境下的XiphQTQuickTim组件。
Agents Mulder and Scully may have said 'the truth is out there' in the X Files, but it may instead be buried inside the brains of people who claim they have been abducted by aliens.
It sounds like the plot of an "X-Files" episode: People are said to have died merely from leaving their electric fans blowing overnight.
The drama with the same FOX produced the classic drama "X files" theme, interspersed with unknown science and conspiracy theory.
Mel was featured in the documentary released in 1995 by the BBC titled "The Real X-Files."
Mel was featured in the documentary released in 1995 by the BBC titled "The Real X-Files."