Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus.
When the researchers examined the aborted fetus they found the Zika virus.
The Zika virus was first isolated in 1947 from a monkey in the Zika forest of Uganda.
The Zika virus has mild effects on most people, but can be fatal for unborn children.
Images show the damage inflicted on the brains of twin girls born with the Zika virus.
Chinese scientists say they have worked out the structure of the Zika virus NS1 protein.
People infected with the Zika virus suffer from fever, rash, joint and muscle pain and red eyes.
Researcher Brian Foy contracted the Zika virus, which causes severe fatigue and joint pain, while on a field trip to Senegal.
Researchers in Slovenia say they have found some evidence of a link between the Zika virus and an increase in some birth defects.
The Zika virus, which has been linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is spreading rapidly in the Americas.
There are still a lot of unknowns about the Zika virus and its possible connection to Microcephaly and neurological syndromes (like GBS).
But he said more field studies are needed to evaluate this method before it is used in other parts of China to control and prevent the Zika virus.
There are also concerns over an outbreak of the Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects, and the impact it could have on the city's tourism.
Doctors suspect the Zika virus is linked to a rare neurological condition called microcephaly, which causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads.
The World Health Organization is advising officials not to accept blood donations from people who recently returned from countries affected by the Zika virus.
It is possible that there is some other reason for this, but there is general agreement that until another association is found, the Zika virus should be assumed to be the cause.
A large number of Russian athletes will be banned from competition for state sponsored *doping, and some of the world's top golfers will skip the Olympic Games for fear of the Zika virus.
The World Health Organization says it will need some $56 million to implement its strategic response designed to contain the Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects in newborns.
If she bites a person infected with dengue, Zika or any of several other diseases, she picks up the virus.
The CDC says that Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus in May 2015.
The outbreak of Zika, a mosquito-borne virus, has sparked health concerns in the region.
Singapore announced its first Zika infection in May, with the virus imported by a 48-year-old man who had traveled to Brazil.
Zika virus infection during pregnancy has been linked to the abnormal brain development called microcephaly. Now a study finds more evidence for the connection.
So far, 26 countries have confirmed cases of the virus, and dozens of Europeans and North Americans returning from Zika-affected areas have also tested positive for the virus.
As the virus spreads from Brazil, other countries in the Americas are also likely to see cases of babies with Zika-linked birth defects, experts believe.
So this both adds to the evidence and helps confirm that any country experiencing a large Zika virus outbreak should anticipate a large increase in microcephaly.
Meanwhile, experts are warning of a 'perfect storm' that may cause cases of the deadly Zika virus to escalate.
Meanwhile, experts are warning of a 'perfect storm' that may cause cases of the deadly Zika virus to escalate.