Use eof paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist. (late 20th century)
现场戏剧表演中艺术家掺入绘画、雕塑和摄像等形式的综合艺术。兴起于20世纪末。 。
Use of paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist. (late 20th century).
Troupe scope of business: theatrical performances, cultural exchanges, performance brokerage, endorsements.
Conclusion Activity in the form of thematic meeting combined with theatrical performance helps mingle sentiment and reason.
Large-Scale Theatrical Performance Party for Mid-Autumn Festival-"How Round the Moon This Night"held in Tangshan Stadium in 2003.
An ancient Roman theatrical performance in which one actor played all the parts by means of gesture and movement, accompanied by a narrative chorus.
The measurement results meet the requirements specified in the industrial standard and in the applications for theatrical performance and convention.
In addition to serving as closures and providing both illumination and ventilation as needed, these doors also can be opened and closed as part of a theatrical performance.
Such individuals appear to be behaving as if they were giving a performance, with the mobile as a theatrical prop, hence the use of the word stage.
Performance exercises will help students identify theatrical forms and techniques used by these theaters, and how these techniques contribute to the overall goals of specific theatrical expressions.
Performance exercises will help students identify theatrical forms and techniques used by these theaters, and how these techniques contribute to the overall goals of specific theatrical expressions.