Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.
But in recent years it has descended into empty theatrics.
Races such as running, cycling or motor sports offer little scope for theatrics.
Thee fact that you're moving on to a new employer is not an excuse to engage in theatrics.
The event, in typical Apple style, was tightly scripted and heavy on theatrics and hyperbole.
All theatrics aside, the message was clear to me: "I know I abused you but I don't want to be hated."
Now, these unbelievable theatrics are about to crash as there is practically no wriggle-room left to them.
But space-suited theatrics and Noah’s ark overtones aside, Biosphere 2 was still the world’s most ambitious test tube.
The actresses had come to raise money to fight domestic violence, but the cause seemed lost amid the event's giddy theatrics.
Though she writes her own material, she is as focused on visual theatrics, fashion, and global appeal as she is on the music.
Though she writes her own material, she is as focused on visual theatrics, fashion, and global appeal as she is on the music.
But the film is hardly a medical lecture. The hallway theatrics - flags, puppets, dancing - give the conference a carnival feel.
As the Brewer case makes clear, the death penalty is a sickening business. The grim theatrics of an execution debase the executioner.
'She's very vaudevillian,' says an admiring Alice Cooper, the rocker whose history of stage theatrics includes simulated decapitations.
But it will take more than such theatrics to dispel the doubts over his ability to micromanage affairs of state from a Cuban hospital.
Similarly, when Reagan pulled letters written by ordinary people out of his pocket and read them on national television, it was theatrics, but it was honest.
During the five or six other announcements, I found myself waiting for more theatrics-i wanted to see Gates dance again-but it appeared the show really was over.
Reagan once commented, “There have been times when I’ve wondered in this office how you could do this job if you hadn’t been an actor.” Even George Washington put theatrics to good use.
The show has received positive critical appreciation with critics complimenting her vocal clarity and fashion sense as well as her ability to pull off theatrics like a professional artist.
Despite these dark theatrics, she's become a darling of mainstream radio by drawing from Madonna's playbook, with thumping dance beats, a shape-shifting image and a playful obsession with celebrity.
It can be said that the photographs of Wang Qingsong are not to record one truth through candid shooting. Instead, he applies the manner of theatrics to demonstrate an imitated and fabricated truth.
It can be said that the photographs of Wang Qingsong are not to record one truth through candid shooting. Instead, he applies the manner of theatrics to demonstrate an imitated and fabricated truth.