What informs their likes and dislikes?
We've done an art activity concerning their likes and dislikes.
We assume we know them better than they know themselves. We consider ourselves experts on their likes and dislikes, their needs and wants.
In pursuit of pleasure, not only the mundane people react extremely according to their likes and dislikes, but they also cannot stop themselves from vacillating between the two.
A supportive, caring relationship allows people to reveal details about themselves - their likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, proud moments, disappointments, fears, and weaknesses.
However, they also use technology to profile each guest and build a database of their likes and dislikes. What if the Ritz Carlton had employees that were rude, inconsiderate and nasty?
Respondents to the survey noted that many of their olfactory likes and dislikes were based on emotional associations.
The networks also have plenty of useful data about their users’ likes and dislikes.
Like appearance, we tend to form preferences for those who remind us of our parents (or others close to us through childhood) because of their personality, sense of humor, likes and dislikes, etc.
Make a list of their age, gender, likes and dislikes.
This person may never have grown out of their childhood likes and dislikes, or the tendency to turn up his or her nose at an unfamiliar cuisine.
During oestrus or direct contact, panda show their likes or dislikes, their intimate through different frequencies of clicks, howls, roars, and baas.
Do you stay on the Island or on the Kowloon side? Both sides of Victoria Harbour have their advantages and drawbacks, but in the end it comes down your individual likes and dislikes.
Do you stay on the Island or on the Kowloon side? Both sides of Victoria Harbour have their advantages and drawbacks, but in the end it comes down your individual likes and dislikes.