Hear Amy and Mason talk about the movie, and their own desire for a different way of life.
They were not only curious, but often had a strong desire to control their environment, improve their learning efficiency and increase their own learning resources.
If patients pay very little out of their own pockets, they have little desire to curb consumption.
One of the primary goals of an educator should be to help students develop the desire and ability to think on their own.
But their desire to blaze their own policy trails doesn't mean they'll turn down checks from Washington when available.
In other words, they desire the good of others for its own sake, not simply as a means to their own satisfaction.
If patients pay very little out of their own pockets they have little desire to curb consumption.
I had to come up with something evocative that would kindle their desire to pursue high performance on their own terms, something each team could use to come up with their own highway or pathway.
The citizens Handbook is meant to encourage the emergence of more active citizens - people motivated by an interest in public issues, and a desire to make a difference beyond their own private lives.
Putting kids in overly rigid environments, where the desire to achieve is imposed by parents rather than coming from their own internal drive, can be counterproductive in the long-term, he said.
把孩子放在一个过于苛刻的环境里成长,在这个环境中,成功的渴望是父母强加在孩子身上的,而不是孩子内在的动力所为,这样长期以来会对孩子起反作用。 他说。
One-way hashes could be used by eliminating some of the precision in the microseconds values, but this is best left to the reader with a desire to evaluate the risks on their own.
Love my motherland. That is to say, the desire for the motherland to become the embodiment of human ideals, and to do their own power to promote this.
Another characteristic of challenger economies is the desire to create their own national standard, often using proprietary technologies or systems.
Love their motherland. That is to say, to desire to the motherland will become the embodiment of human ideals, and do our own strength to promote it.
This one includes a desire to give and receive these two aspects, there is no conservative people love to give each other their own, while at the same time totally accept each other's expectations.
I made most of them and figured out what stands in the way of most people living the life they desire is their own internal fear and mind ghosts.
Yet it denies individuals the right to "self-identify" —ie, choose their own gender, a key desire.
It does appear, however, that successful franchise owners have a higher desire to be in control of their own fate.
They love people and have a deep desire to connect on a spiritual soul-to-soul level, but they end up protecting themselves behind walls for their own safety.
My heart's desire, and you don't need to guess, I only do their own.
However long before nuclear armament and the desire to blow something outside of self came to be so, humans blew themselves up from within and through their own DNA.
They were able to teleport to various regions out of their own curiosity and desire to explore.
Deviate from the topic, depart from my desire and pursuit to realize their own dreams or someone else's money, for me that can never be, it can not be absolute.
Deviate from the topic, depart from my desire and pursuit to realize their own dreams or someone else's money, for me that can never be, it can not be absolute.