They may be kidding themselves they are working towards a deal but they are not kidding anyone else.
When I ask them about themselves they are guarded: God is good to them, they say, they are glad to see me.
Or they may feel ashamed of their own reactions, telling themselves they should not feel the way they do.
These people know that by challenging themselves they stand to gain personally, professionally, financially, and spiritually.
By themselves they are not enough to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels or combat the dangers of climate change.
Rather, in benefiting themselves they will inadvertently serve the global interest, and especially that of the bottom billion.
To some extent processing power or specific build strategies can reduce the time required, but by themselves they are unlikely to result in any significant change in the problem.
The right sort come of themselves; they tap at my forehead and say, "Here we are."
Instead of finding things out for themselves, they make assumptions that often turn out to be wrong.
After a short time, when they had warmed themselves, they said, "Comrade, shall we have a game of cards?"
If security administrators want to transfer ownership to themselves, they need to transfer to someone else and have that person transfer to them in a second sequence.
While it can take longer for the team to analyze the data themselves, they then draw better conclusions and take ownership of the resulting action items.
The idea is that, without help from industrial chemicals, plants on organic farms need to work harder to protect themselves. They end up becoming more nutritious as a result.
First, although the tabs are widgets themselves, they do not need to be packed.
You should also ensure the interoperability of the various hardware pieces themselves; they should all understand each other's signals within the same spectrum.
They felt that Hanna was ridiculing the trial, the verdict, and themselves, they who had come to hear the verdict read out.
As for the downloadable applications themselves, they will still appear to be your typical mobile app - end users won't even notice a difference.
Slowly, over the weeks and months, they feel safe enough to get in touch with themselves – they become truly human.
Today’s organizations must not only look within themselves; they must exploit horizontal integration opportunities with customers, partners, and suppliers.
When moms feel confident and at peace with themselves, they are unlikely to make choices or act in ways that cause them to feel guilty.
Driving in their cars by themselves, they don't have to think about their work, family, love-life, or anything else but the open road.
"The Ikea effect" is when people buy and then construct products themselves, they develop an attachment or sense of pride to this object.
Note that many BAPIs cannot be called by themselves; they require other BAPIs to be called first.
注意,许多BAPI不能由本身调用;它们需要先调用其他 BAPI。
So instead of really being themselves, they resort to strictly standing out for the sake of standing out.
These are useful technology-focused perspectives, but, by themselves, they are not enough.
Smartphones are not only lucrative【9】 in themselves; they are also the gateway to the even juicier market for services and “apps”.
Smartphones are not only lucrative【9】 in themselves; they are also the gateway to the even juicier market for services and “apps”.