Then again, we may see an implosion of the tech sector as we did in the 1990s.
Then again, maybe we will have a big energy find in Greenland (an island that may once again be green, now that temperatures are rising to levels last seen in the middle ages).
Then again, if you are writing a library that may be used in unforeseen ways, performance may be critical from the start.
And then you may forget and have to wait until they reappear again (which they often do, in my experience).
If one has blockages in the heart and is unwilling to learn to love again unconditionally, then the healing may turn sour leading to greater strife instead.
And again as Paul said, "if weare children, then we are heirs— heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share inhis glory.
Then the cases may be heard again in appeals courts.
接着案件可能在上诉法院再次审理。 。
And then again in the 2050-2075 time period where those who ascended to 6000 May become too compromised to continue to live.
接着再在2050- 2075时期,再一次那些提升到6000股的人将变得危险而不能继续存活。
Then horizontally views the mirror again, makes up 1 again in the eye tail toward eye direction's 2/3 the informer, like this may cause bride's eye appears bigger.
It may become necessary to put the dog in his crate for a few minutes and then get him out and try again.
It may become necessary to put the dog in his crate for a few minutes and then get him out and try again.