Then one by one from the global to the local analysis of the elements of ancient human settlements.
The attack almost failed, but very excited Fourier Army, "through the community thoroughly, and then one by one come to intervene, it should be a direction of work."
In an experiment, a researcher will place nuts into a can one at a time and then remove them one by one.
Then take one small step or do one tiny task, followed by another and another.
She poured a big jollop into each of the glasses and then drank them one by one.
First came a catchy tune about eight oranges; then they counted off one by one while throwing up their arms in a wave.
Then, one by one, he picked up more pebbles and dropped them into the pitcher.
Later, her mother extended the notion of "outrunning one classmate each time" to her studies by telling her, "If you could outrun one of your classmates in each exam, then you will be exceptional!"
This script USES the get_all method to retrieve all the E-mail messages, then USES PHP's mail method to send out the messages one by one.
这个脚本使用get _ all方法检索所有电子邮件消息,然后使用PHP的mail方法逐一发送消息。
Make a list of questions before interview starts, and then go through your questions one by one as the interview progresses.
I listed these people, then I wrote beside their names one by one what was it that made me think they were great leaders.
When you have a full-time job, the last thing you want to spend extra time doing is sending out individual e-mails to every sponsor, and then following up with them one by one later.
There is only one way to resolve this conflict: if outsiders don't know, then one will be made uncomfortable by my actions.
Then this will have a positive gravitational potential energy, and this will have one that is higher than this one by this amount.
Then she began to unload the gifts from the car, handing them to Ashley one by one.
He then knocked out the bacterium's genes one by one to see which it could live without, in the hope of making a yet smaller organism he could then use as a model for synthesis.
But then, it suddenly noticed that the waves in front of it, one by one, were striking against the cliff face, being savagely broken to pieces.
If I were to go to them and they only looked coldly at me and dropped off and left me one by one, what then?
Sweating under stage lights, magician Wang Xianbo takes six metal rings, bumps them together one by one and then links the rings into shapes: a flower, a rickshaw, an airplane.
The film then disintegrates into a slasher film as one by one the protectors are killed in grisly fashion.
Once in orbit, the probes would unfold thin sails and then, propelled by powerful laser beams from Earth, set off one by one like a flock of migrating butterflies across the universe.
At one point last year four of the top ten albums in Britain were Beatles recordings and the number-one album was a collection of songs by Vera Lynn, who was then 92 years old.
Now Bob can choose one of his direct friends by clicking one of the radio buttons, and then he can click Find friends of someone to find more friends.
East German Ostmark wages were converted into West German D-marks at a rate of one to one, then raised by union pressure closer to Western levels.
Then, he dropped the bomb: If Drew Carey got one million followers by December 31st, 2009 he'd donate one million dollars to LIVESTRONG.
接着,他放出里一个炸弹:如果Drew Carey2009年在12月31日获得100万个followers,他将捐赠1百万美元给LIVESTRONG。
When onebegins to realize this, then one works to change one's consciousness and by sodoing, one changes his environment.
When onebegins to realize this, then one works to change one's consciousness and by sodoing, one changes his environment.