Then press the button that looks like a red circle with a white X in it.
After you press the button, the elevator then takes you to outer space.
They then had to inhibit that response and not press the button when a different stimulus appeared on the screen in its place.
To make this work, use the partial metering mode (or spot metering mode) over the subject where you want to lock the flash output then press the asterisk (*) button.
Select the required wash cycle, dog size, put the dog in the machine, and press the start button and then your pet comes out clean and unharmed.
After you've got it in your phone, press and hold the power button for a few seconds, and then you'll be prompted with onscreen instructions to properly set up your iPhone.
把micro - SIM卡放入您的手机后,需要按住设备的电源键,并且持续几分钟,然后您可以按照屏幕上的提示正确地对您的iPhone进行相应的设置。
From the recipient's perspective, a message sent using Vanish appears as gibberish until they highlight the text and then press the "Vanish" button to unscramble it.
Then, from views such as the Project Explorer (or Package Explorer) you could press the triangle button to show the View menu.
然后,您可以从像ProjectExplorer (或者Package Explorer)的视图中,按下这个三角形按钮来显示View 菜单。
To modify your application, you can switch to the JSP editor view, make your changes, switch back to the browser view and then press the Refresh button.
Just click the menu option, wait for NUnit to open on your desktop, and then press the Run button.
Notice in Figure 28 that you need to select the Specify another attribute radio button, and then press Browse when setting the valuefield.
请注意,在图28 中,您需要选择Specifyanotherattribute单选按钮,然后在设置value 域时按Browse。
To deliver the failed events, you select the failed events that you want to resubmit and then press the resubmit button.
Enter the project name ("Felix" for example), select your project directory, and uncheck the "Create Main Class" check box then press the finished button. See Figure 3.
输入项目名称 (比如"Felix"),选择你的项目目录,取消 "CreateMainClass"复选框,并按结束按钮(见下图)。
To record, press these two buttons together; then rewind, and then press the red button to play back.
Move the yoke all the way in and out, left and right, then press a button on the controller.
Leave the yoke centered, then press a button on the controller.
When the pump is going to stop, first press the stop button (Red), then close the water intake valves and the discharge valve.
Put any control handle to the working position, press the "start" button, the total contactor should not move, then explain the zero position protection has played a role.
Heather: Enter the number of copies you want using these buttons and then press the big green button to start.
They did not press the button to get the marble and then proceed without further help to use the marble to get the toy.
Turn this knob to the left then this other knob to the right, press the red button, switch on-and Bob's your uncle.
Li Hua: Oh, first you should press the button that is on the beside cupboard, and then use the teleswitch to choose the programs you like.
Leave the yoke centered, then press a button on the controller.
The time toolbar allows you to define a time interval, and then rapidly move forwards or backwards by that interval at the click of a button or press of a key.
To use it just press your right mouse button on the picture and drag it to different directions. Then release your button you'll get what you want.
Press this button and enter the coin. Then wait until the green light is lit up.
Press this button and enter the coin. Then wait until the green light is lit up.