The study on distributed parallel computing is significant on theory and in practice.
But because of its flexibility, it has lots of disadvantage in theory and in practice.
The research on the workshop Production Planning is of great value both in theory and in practice .
Hence it is important to research on motivation mechanism of science team in theory and in practice.
The study on the application scope of statute of limitation is valuable both in theory and in practice.
For answering the questions, we must probe into them thoroughly and meticulously in theory and in practice.
The introduction puts towards the reasons of this research and its significance both in theory and in practice.
In the thesis, the reflective middleware based on AOP and reflection is discussed both in theory and in practice.
Thus a research about primary school children's computational estimation is very important in theory and in practice.
The quick speed and high precision obtaining method for the camera parameters have been proved in theory and in practice.
Hence it is important to research on the change management in building market-driven organization in theory and in practice.
Because of inadequate preparation for the theory and lack of the thorough study, Problems exist both in theory and in practice.
It has vital significance both in theory and in practice to definite the function of public order administration in new period.
Because Enterprise's Strategic Auditing is still a new developing subject, there are still few research in theory and in practice.
So it is important doubtlessly both in theory and in practice to research on the economic running quality evaluation of the coal industry.
The research findings carry many implications in theory and in practice, on which one can base and refer to for future research and application.
So, the thesis research on constructing learning support service system in traditional higher education, covers it both in theory and in practice.
It is very important to understand the relationship between price formation mechanisms and security price behavior both in theory and in practice.
By a large number of experiments show that demand for the generalized correlation time delay estimation in theory and in practice totally feasible.
Both in theory and in practice of international law, domestic law itself may be separately challenged in international dispute settlement processes.
It is of great significance both in theory and in practice as to protecting the rights of related parties in the international carriage of goods by sea.
Naturally, the internal control that has huge research values both in theory and in practice becomes a proposition urgent to solve for securities firms.
Two-parameter exponential distribution is an important distribution in reliability engineering. It is studied because it is useful in theory and in practice.
Much legal study and cases have showed that it is difficult to deal with the third parry's loss by way of the creditor's claim both in theory and in practice.
So it is significant both in theory and in practice to further study the deformation mechanism of steel ball by longitudinal rolling in the deformation process.
At present, both in theory and in practice and in terms of pathologic changes in handwriting identification of studies have less, not yet formed a sound system.
Mathematic teaching reform should centre on the training objective and characters of vocational high school and explore it continuously in theory and in practice.
Mathematic teaching reform should centre on the training objective and characters of vocational high school and explore it continuously in theory and in practice.