It was the theory of the state that no Spartan citizen should be destitute, and none should be rich.
Thomas Hobbes is the first person in the modern western history of the theory of the state to oppose the divine theory of the state.
A theory of the state-space method based on Markov process was introduced to solve reliability analysis for the low - voltage switchgear assembly system.
This new situation expands the theory of the state beyond state-market relations focused solely on the relations between state and society and governance.
This article describes the design method and steps of canonical from state observer of single output nonlinear systems, based on the theory of the state observers in the inverse systems method.
The state-owned corporate improvement structure cannot be replaced by the theory of per procurationem.
Today, I want to talk about Hobbes' theory of the sovereign state, the creation of the sovereign.
The research team from Ohio State University came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice.
In Big Bang theory, the state of the Universe is a singularity in early times, meaning that the Universe was once infinitely small.
It corresponds identically to the leftover glow predicted by the Big Bang, and contradicts the predictions of Steady-State theory.
The theory of complexity shows that although a system may have an optimum state, it is sometimes so hard to identify that the system never settles there.
The theory of ego depletion was developed by Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University.
In theory, California could build new prisons or send inmates out of state to reduce the ratio to 137.5%.
In Papua New Guinea, he notes, the right of local people to control their forests is in theory clear-but a state agency seems to making deals over their heads.
Well, one influential theory of hypnosis says that in the hypnotic state the conscious will is weakened so that Suggestions from the hypnotist are carried out automatically (Hilgard, 1965).
Back then, there were two major rival theories about the origin of the Universe: the Big Bang theory and the Steady-State model of the Universe.
So his theory of causation was skewed by circumstance, a kin to watching a shipwreck and concluding that the natural and universal state of man is drowning.
In addition, the system can also forecast the danger state of certain unit by grey prediction theory.
In China, administrative recoupment system was established on the basis of the theory of state liability.
I believe that this is why Mcllwain said, "Roman was the beginning of modern theory", and tailor said, "Roman society is a fact of modern state".
Seen from the perspective of game theory, "incentive compatibility" has reached the state of "Nash balance", the necessary condition to reach Pareto Optimality.
Many previous cosmological explanations of the world proposed, as does the theory of entropy, an ideal original state and afterwards, for man, a continually deteriorating situation.
In the theoretical sphere, the author borrows some ideas from the human capital theory, the professional prestige theory, the social capital theory and the theory of state regulation.
Based on linear unbiased minimum variance estimation theory, a fusion algorithm which fused the state vector of nonlinear systems with dissimilar sensors with arbitrary correlated noises is developed.
The state variable approach of modern control theory provides a uniform and powerful method of representing systems of arbitrary order, linear or nonlinear, with time-varying or constant coefficients.
The explanation of "Contract social Theory" for the original of state was rather arbitrary but successful.
It is proved by fractal theory that the welded state of every micro zone at welded surface is uneven in the formation process of isothermal superplastic solid-state welding joint.
It is to a kind of brand-new teaching theory that the ubiquitous state that inculcates with briefly, accepts passively puts forward in the classroom instruction at present.
Already there are four that have only one clinic for the whole state, making the legal termination of a pregnancy a right that exists in theory but not in practice.
On such basis, the author puts forward Balance Theory of mental health, holding that mental health is the balance state of mental function.
在此基础上,本文提出了“心理健康的平衡说” ,认为心理健康是指一种心理机能上的平衡状态。