There are two categories of strategic investors. One is overseas strategic investors.
There are two categories of clues to a lie, thinking clues and emotional ones, she explained.
There are two categories of club - those who travel with sweat and those who travel with petrol.
Currently in use the keyboard there are two categories: push-button keyboard and knob-style keyboard.
There are two categories of ingredients that are beneficial to gut health - prebiotics and probiotics.
There are two categories for the indexes of teaching level assessment: the definite and the indefinite.
To this end, there are two categories of factors that would justify the adoption of Web services technology.
There are two categories of scoring bases: fine conducts for scoring in five levels and misconducts for deduction in three levels.
There are two categories of planning system in the world depending on different administrative mechanism and historical perspectives.
An optimization profile is an XML document that contains optimization guidelines. There are two categories of optimization guidelines.
There are two categories of on-spot rapid graphite morphology te st methods for nodular iron production at present: direct method and indirect method.
Broadly speaking, there are two categories of English humors, language-related humors (verbal humors) and culture-related humors (situational humors).
Broadly speaking, there are two categories of meditation practice; one focusing on stilling the mind and the other on the cognitive processes of understanding.
In the process of medical and nursing care, there are two categories of legal relations concerning medical behaviors. They are external and internal legal relations.
There are two categories of Achuar dreams, they found-those that occur after consumption of plants that cause hallucinations and those that occur without the ingestion of such plants.
The most important of these concepts is a channel, which represents a core abstraction for sending and receiving messages to and from a port. There are two categories of channels defined in Indigo 5
There are two categories of the connexion between or among coordinate items in the coordinate structure. One is comparable pattern with symmetry and the other is incomparable pattern without symmetry.
There are two special categories of properties we want to explore: documents and resources views.
Although there are several categories within equity, the two biggest are paid-in capital and retained earnings.
But tree and bush are hardly that, since there is no way to define a tree versus a bush. The two categories grade insensibly into one another.
Similar to assets, there are two main categories of liabilities: current liabilities and noncurrent liabilities.
If you really had to group people by their travel habits, I'd say there are probably two different categories out there: explorers, and relaxers.
In UML 2 there are two basic categories of diagrams: structure diagrams and behavior diagrams.
Within these two categories, there are numerous subcategories, many of which will be explained in Lesson 302.
There are two main categories of configuration information required: WebSphere MQ configuration information and Data Binding class specification.
General Situation: There are two primary categories of principal stakeholders that will need to be considered for Global Cooling 3.0.
一般情况:对于GlobalCooling 3.0的主要涉众要分为两大类。
There are basically two categories of dormancy, the one of which is caused by seed coat, the other of which is caused by embryo.
There are basically two categories of dormancy, the one of which is caused by seed coat, the other of which is caused by embryo.