There can be only one, and it ACTS as the superclass for all other objects.
It is important to understand that there can be only one state setting for a given test asset.
There can be only one root node and all others nodes have to be organized in a hierarchical form.
There can be only one primary interop assembly, which must be signed with a strong name by the publisher of the COM type library.
ServerA: The instance-owning machine (there can be only one instance-owning machine), where ServerA is the actual hostname of the machine.
实例所在的计算机(最多只能有一台驻留实例的计算机),其中 ServerA是这台计算机的真实主机名。
Unable to increase production - land is limited and there can be only one harvest a year - Bordeaux's leading producers focus relentlessly on quality.
We both agree that there can be only one sane policy to preserve our precious civilization in this modern age: a nuclear war cannot win and must never fight.
This means that there is only a single pool of users and groups in the LDAP directory to work with and that there can be only one set of super Portal administrators.
Since there can be only one un-caught handler per process active at a time, the constructor should be invoked only once; hence, the reason for the singleton pattern.
For every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
On the one hand, there are tiny microbes and they can only be seen through a microscope.
And we need to know that the document can list multiple persons (but nothing will go wrong if there is only one, who can be referred to as either addressbook.person or addressbook.person [0]).
而且我们需要知道该文档可以列出多人(但是,如果只有一个人,他可以作为addressbook . person或addressbook . person[0]来引用,那样也不会发生错误)。
Therefore, for every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
There is only one wish realizable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death.
There can only be one transition out of the initial state, and the operation specified for this transition should only be used this once.
There is only one limitation to what can be cached — the item must be an object.
Each instance, however, can only contain a single XML data tree — in other words, there can only be one root node.
All three techniques can be used in the same website; there is no need to restrict yourself to only one model.
For example, interconnecting wind farms that are only 100 to 200 miles apart can compensate for hours of zero power at any one farm should the wind not be blowing there.
Then Sartre picks this up and says that the futility of human race is that all men or whether all people want to be perfect, but there is only one creature, entity, who can be perfect. That's God.
Implementing leveraged growth tactics can be deeply challenging, especially since there are only a limited set of companies that one can look to for examples of how to put this into practice.
Since a project is a logical breakdown of a similar set of functionality, there can only be one test datastore for each Rational test project.
In that case, there is then only one (presumably closely guarded secret) valid password that can be sent from WebSEAL.
One easy way to handle updates is to have a field appear in a given Notes document that can only be there if a user has edited the document via the form.
That way, you can always find the right volume to install Linux from since there will only be one volume available at this time.
I can only hope with all the world's warriors gathered against us there might be one down there who's up to the task.
There is the 20th century view that the United States and Russia are destined to be antagonists, and that a strong Russia or a strong America can only assert themselves in opposition to one another.
There can only be the One Truth even although it can be expressed in a number of different ways.
There can only be the One Truth even although it can be expressed in a number of different ways.