With all the night school courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training.
You may feel good, and may be like a racing champion, but there is no excuse to explain the broken taillights.
Return Phone calls, faxes, emails and letters promptly - there is no excuse for laziness.
There is no excuse for delay, unless we want more dead people to follow lots more dead ducks.
With all night school courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training.
Remember it is never your fault and bullying of any kind is wrong and there is no excuse what-so-ever!
Oh and one other thing, in this day and age, there is no excuse for typos and grammar mistakes in a resume.
You're breaking my heart again. There is no excuse my friend, For breaking my heart, breaking my heart again.
Provided our privacy remains secure, there is no excuse not to use every bit of science we can in the fight against crime.
Modern presses make it easy to adjust clamp force, even on toggle presses, so there is no excuse for overdosing on clamp.
We get it. Really we do. But it is so ridiculously easy to avoid these problems that there is no excuse for doing it wrong.
Besides, with the ease and convenience of communicating via the Internet nowadays, there is no excuse not to keep in touch!
While the lack of service you experienced is unusual and not the standard of our motel, there is no excuse for a lackadaisical attitude on the part of any of our employees.
So I think there is no excuse if you will but it may be these methodological issues, the other reasons might be of course the course of type 2 diabetes is more complex than type 1.
When the most climate change vulnerable nations display leadership in addressing the cause of the problem which they had very little to contribute to, there is no excuse for others not to act.
—Excuse me, is this your car?—No, it isn't. Mine is over there.
——打扰一下,这是你的车吗? ——不,它不是。我的在那边。
What this means is that there is essentially no excuse for companies to have an incompatible implementation; it's free to have one that's proven compatible.
There is no honourable excuse for failing to use the fairest tests we can design.
The point is that there are many adequate unit testing tools available to every developer, so the lack of tools can no longer be used as an excuse for not producing unit tests.
"There is no handier excuse for human misbehaviour than the midlife crisis," says Richard Friedman, professor of psychiatry at America's Weill Cornell Medical College.
美国威尔-康尼尔医学院的精神病学专家RichardFried man说,再没有比中年危机更好的理由来解释这些反常行为了。
This holiday for some time together and his calm, no commitment, do not need an excuse to not watch their own beliefs, there is no passion, no helpless so nice holiday!
Excuse me, is this seat taken? Can we change the seats? There are no seats left on the flight. What is your seat number?
Climbing is a challenge, Now that we choose this challenge; there would be no excuse to say give up.
If you use or buy pirated software, you are breaking the law - there is no good excuse for using pirated software.
If you use or buy pirated software, you are breaking the law - there is no good excuse for using pirated software.