Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.
There is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people that live there, let alone the new arrivals.
There is not enough money even to catalogue the finds; as a result, they cannot be found again and become as inaccessible as if they had never been discovered.
The faces of English girls look as if there is not enough materials to go round.
There is not enough of a spread between the dollar, euro and yen to reward speculators.
There is not enough donor or “socially responsible” money in the world to meet the demand.
Stop writing blank checks, such as, "There is not enough to go around," or "There is a shortage," etc.
When there is not enough haemoglobin in the red blood cells, oxygen cannot get to all parts of the body.
There is not enough demand for the product or service at a price that will produce a profit for the company.
For the others, the statute of limitations has expired or prosecutors have said there is not enough evidence.
I am by no means a user experience expert but I do believe that there is not enough effort put into this area.
Yes. In fact, there is not enough energy in a single photon to go ahead and eject an electron from this zinc surface.
There is not enough data that gets gathered to evaluate air quality in a given neighborhood and that data is hard to find.
The next object now requests space on the heap, but there is not enough contiguous space to satisfy this request (see figure 3).
The report also says there is not enough joint treatment of H.I.V. and the related infections that most often kill AIDS patients.
The report also says there is not enough joint treatment of H. I. V. and the related infections that most often kill AIDS patients.
What is happening in India, which has too many people in places where there is not enough water, is a foretaste of what is to come.
If there is not enough CPU assigned to a given application, managing the incoming traffic will not let you to meet the assigned goal.
There is not enough knowledge or time to optimize for all users based on their wishes and behavior — which might also change over time.
When your applications receive an error indicating that there is not enough storage in the application heap, increase the value of APPHEAPSZ.
当应用程序接收到一个表明应用程序堆中存储空间不够的错误时,应该增加 APPHEAPSZ的值。
If there is not enough cloud resource to host the requested pattern, WebSphere CloudBurst will decline the deployment per its usual process.
If there is not enough time for testing, the first thing to do is reallocate the effort used in requirements documentation to writing customer tests.
Such purely private solutions are not feasible during crises that encompass the entire banking system: there is not enough private capital around.
Finally, there are more than 100 inmates who are considered too risky to release, but against whom there is not enough evidence to prosecute them.
"I think there is not enough economic integration in the euro zone, the 17, and too much integration in the eu at 27," Mr Sarkozy declared in October.
The latest research on wave height and return period doesn't address Padang's needs; the real problem is simply that there is not enough time to evacuate.
The latest research on wave height and return period doesn't address Padang's needs; the real problem is simply that there is not enough time to evacuate.