These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere mortals.
From these paintings, 23 were selected because they were known unquestionably to be by Van Gogh and because they represented different periods of his life, during which his style changed.
Whether these abstractions will be represented as Geronimo classes and objects or as database tables depends primarily on how you're going to use them and how persistent they will be.
Consider all the configuration Settings of all these resources (as they would be represented in a complete, authoritative and consistent CMDB, that most elusive creature).
The big changes represented by these computing shifts may not be complete by the end of this decade - but they will be well under way.
There are different types of relationships that can be expressed on the units contained in a topology, and these are represented as link types.
These services, which are automated, may be represented as activities in a business process.
These resources are represented as business-aligned services which can participate and be composed in a value-net, enterprise, or line of business to fulfill business needs.
These metrics can then be represented in many formats and monitored by executives if they want to also assess the health of an application and the best candidates for change.
These two functions may seem different, but they interrelate in that security tokens must be trusted, and trust must be represented by some form of token.
Each of these queries can be represented in a list or graph and displayed side-by-side in a dashboard or dashboard-style report.
These additional characters, also called supplementary characters, can be represented in UTF-8 using 4 bytes.
这些额外字符也称为补充字符,可以在utf - 8中用4字节表示。
Realistic painting is to be found as street art as well, represented by these amazing 3d paintings.
While these tasks will eventually be incorporated into business logic, they're best represented by system-level exceptions like RemoteException.
Each of these problems can be easily parallelized using divide-and-conquer, and can be easily represented as fork-join tasks.
其中的每个问题都可以用divide - and - conquer轻松地并行化,并能轻松地表示为fork - join任务。
The first of these problems, represented by a FactoryConfigurationError, usually occurs when the parser specified in a JAXP implementation or system property cannot be obtained.
Trial and error in the river let a process evolve whereby these discarded bottles could be poetically represented to show the spirit of the river upon them.
He shall in this notice give a date for taking-over tests, giving the Purchaser sufficient time to prepare for and be represented at these tests.
These include mechanical shafting, buzzers, light signals, and synchro systems for transmitting gun orders and other quantities that may be represented as angular displacements.
In order to create these identifiers, the designer must have a clear vision of the corporation or idea to be represented and of the audience to which the message is directed.
Table 1 suggests project roles who might review different work products. Not all of these perspectives need to be represented. In general, a work product should be reviewed by.
These records are part of the device history record. Device history records shall be reviewed to verify that the operations represented have been properly conducted and that the records are complete.
If you see your own attitude represented by one of these comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness?
In these cases, the result shall be represented by 0 or 1, respectively.
These effects can be particularly dramatic in rural Africa, where in many places mobile phones have represented the first modern telecommunications infrastructure of any kind.
In these positions, a second punch can be inserted so that with punches in the remaining positions of1 to9, alphabetic characters may be represented.
在这些位置上可以穿入辅助孔,它们与其余1—9位置上的 孔一起,表示字母字符。
Moses said he believed they ought to be represented in more randomized studies, though that remains unlikely because of the statistical effect these patients can have.
Moses said he believed they ought to be represented in more randomized studies, though that remains unlikely because of the statistical effect these patients can have.