We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric.
Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off".
Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off."
Everyone needs a living in these hard times.
In these hard times, Iraqis need to be victorious, especially in sports.
The business has been growing apace for the last year, a wonderful success in these hard times.
"Ah, " said the father, sorrowfully, "I can give you no more, and in these hard times I cannot earn a farthing more than will suffice for our daily bread.
In these hard times, ads for cram school classes on "little eats" are everywhere, offering to introduce you to the charms and mysteries of Taiwanese snacks.
Make us thankful for Your generous bounty, and Your unceasing love. Please remind us, in these hard times, to be grateful for what we have been given, and not to ask for what we can not have.
Hard times only reinforce these drives.
It was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of my parents, I started to develop attitudes and values which helped me overcome these challenging times.
The way we "resolved" these incidents, as we did several times, was that he told me his interpretation of what had happened and I worked hard to honor and understand it.
But hard times are forcing American firms to look harder for savings, and many are finding these in China.
These days toys are so sophisticated, ingenious, and technically stuffed that sometimes even parents themselves have hard times figuring out how they should function.
These mass lay-offs, it might be hypothesised, are more like natural catastrophes, such as famines, than isolated accidents that cause a few people to fall on hard times.
In these times when money is hard earned, consumers need to be extra careful and choosy when selecting dirt bikes to purchase.
That is a hard enough job-especially in these times, when those inroads are more threatening that they have been for a long time past.
These are times when you are dealing with personal battles within. Old beliefs and knowledge that do not carry the new higher vibrations are surfacing for clearing, but sometimes it is hard to let go.
The Ox is a most appropriate sign for these difficult economic times, as it promises prosperity only through fortitude and hard work.
Farmer Emmitt had just finished cutting up hog meat when he gave his wife two hams and said, "Cora take these two hams and put them up for hard times."
If cropped properly, this is hard to tell unless there's text on the screen, but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen.
Yes, mamma, to tell the truth, these are hard and sorrowful times for every Russian.
It HAPPENS a lot these days in southern California. A homeowner falls on hard times and has to move from his house, renting it out to make ends meet.
Some of these theories, referencing animal sacrifices and God's wrath, can make for a hard sell for many in modern times.
Some of these theories, referencing animal sacrifices and God's wrath, can make for a hard sell for many in modern times.