What brings you to these shores?
Since 2000, 16 prizes have landed on these shores.
This youngster is another destined to leave these shores.
I am forever walking upon these shores, 1 betwixt the sand and the foam.
Indeed Mr Posen is looking to influence policymakers beyond these shores.
I am forever walking upon these shores betwixt the sand and the foam.
I am forever walking upon these shores, betwixt the sand and the foam.
The peoples of these shores are the Garifuna, a hbyrid through the marriage of African and Carib Indian.
海岸上生活着的是加利福纳人,他们是非洲人同加勒比人通婚的后代。 去…
The peoples of these shores are the Garifuna, a hybrid through the marriage of African and Carib Indian.
海岸上生活着的是加利福纳人,他们是非洲人同加勒比人通婚的后代。 …
Their anxiety is not surprising, for seals and sharks feed along these shores, and both have an appetite for penguin.
它们的焦虑不足为奇,因为对于在这些海岸边觅食的海豹和鳘鱼来说, 企鹅可是一顿美餐。
South Floridians, you see, have problems not just with the more common (on these shores, anyway) alligator, but also with crocodiles.
你知道,生活在南佛罗里达,不仅仅有短吻鳄的问题(在岸上,这种短吻鳄比较常见),而且还有鳄鱼的问题。在南佛罗里达大约有2 000只鳄鱼。
Singapore will remain as the central control hub as we venture beyond these shores toward an increasing challenging global market.
For five decades, Gass has searched out challenging and unforgiving works of fiction, often reaching beyond these shores to uncover them.
IAM FOREVER walking upon these shores, Betwixt the sand and the foam, the high tide will erase my foot-prints, and the wind will blow away the foam.
Of course, that strategy needs to go in hand with a greater focus on education and enable U.S. companies to find the talent they need on these shores.
In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, the Empress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that it could pursue trade with the Qing.
The sheer extent of the devastation wrought on March 11 raises serious questions: Should the dozens of shattered communities along these shores be rebuilt at all?
In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, commissioned the Empress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that it could pursue trade with the Qing Dynasty.
Certainly in the top three of the most skilful players to appear on these shores, he was technically on another planet to almost everyone who has appeared in the Premiership.
"This moth appears to have been making an attempt to recolonise these shores, possibly as a result of more favourable overall weather conditions through climate change," Parsons said.
It had been anticipated that 4G will not hit the UK for some years yet, with some analysts forecasting that it won't be viable for networks to deliver it on these shores until 2015.
As we have for over 60 years, America takes these actions because our destiny is connected to those beyond our shores.
These days Catholic Britons—who will be welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to their shores this month—have little obvious reason to call themselves embattled.
These winter visitors will fly to British shores.
Thus the southern shores of these larger islands will experience some elevation loss, where beaches may emerge on the northern shores.
However, the origin of the Renaissance was far more culturally mixed than these claims would suggest, and its impact spread far beyond the shores of Europe.
However, the origin of the Renaissance was far more culturally mixed than these claims would suggest, and its impact spread far beyond the shores of Europe.