Their sons or daughters would never say such a thing: it's as if they already know that their degree won't define them in the same way.
This lets programmers use tools and languages that they already know well.
They already know that their story won't check out if you have enough time to analyze it.
This book will not be boring or useless even for people who think they already know the subject.
So Meibom and his colleagues are measuring the rotation of stars whose ages they already know.
"Companies often don't know how much they already know," says Dwayne Spradlin, InnoCentive's chief.
“公司门通常不知道他们知道多少”,意诺新总裁Dwayne Spradlin说道。
Why do Banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they already know there is not enough money?
I wonder at which point experts decide they no longer need to learn, because they already know it all?
Try to gauge the level of expertise and design your presentation to build upon what they already know.
But if users want to keep things private and only interact with friends they already know, that's fine too.
People tend to ask questions that they already know the answers to, and ask for suggestions that they don't really want.
Shunsui says they already know about this while Soi Fong says she already told him but he was too busy eating to listen.
For instance, how do you get new users to see the value of a social product without connecting to people they already know?
Experts focus intensely on what they already know, and, at the cost of ignoring their ignorance, they work hard to know more of the same.
And their bilingual advantage persists even when the new language they study is completely different from the languages they already know.
Perpetual intermediates need access to tools. They don't need scope and purpose explained to them because they already know these things.
If they already know those pages, they'll keep on reading. If they don't know those pages they'll say, "Oh, this page doesn't make any sense."
With so many choices offering so many features to learn, it's not surprising that programmers with no free time stick to what they already know.
As Paul Derrez, founder of Ra, says: "Our clients don't come to find what they already know, they come to be excited about things they don't know."
正如Ra的创建人Paul Derrez所说:“我们的顾客不是来寻找他们已知的,而是来激发他们体验未知的”。
They already know Chinese Internet is not as free as what the foreigners expect, but they think the people who build this wall have their reasons.
It starts with understanding one's audience, taking into account both what they already know about the topic at hand and what they want or need to know.
Musicians, analogously, must spend time practicing those things they already know as well as devoting time to learning new techniques and musical pieces.
"For institutions, I believe it will not be that difficult if they already know their way around the bureaucracy, " Crispin, the property manager, said.
Two important notions orbit around the simple idea of constructed knowledge. The first is that learners construct new understandings using what they already know.
Two important notions orbit around the simple idea of constructed knowledge. The first is that learners construct new understandings using what they already know.