They communicate with each other via email.
This paper will discuss interaction of them, and the link-nod through which they communicate with each other.
The brain and its long spidery neurons are essentially made of fat, but they communicate with each other via proteins.
Think some of the closest secrets these guys Shared with me is their intricate language, the way they communicate with each other.
Although they may well remember it simply as a quarrel about lateness, Craig and Jeanne are arguing about how they communicate with each other.
They communicate with each other by using pheromones (scent from their bodies). And the sensitive hairs on their faces help the animals to find their way in the dark.
To generate a colony organism from a bug organism requires only that the bugs be multiplied so that there are many, many more of them, and that they communicate with each other.
Can plants talk? Modern research has found something amazing: they do communicate with each other.
We won't have so many accidents, because they will be able to communicate with each other.
If everybody in the world could communicate freely with each other, no matter which language they spoke, what would happen?
The primary differences are almost cosmetic from the outside and involve how entities communicate with each other, not the substance of what they communicate.
They are intelligent, communicate with each other, have the ability to learn, do tricks, play jokes, and can almost use their fins as hands.
When they were not allowed to communicate with each other about their confidence, they couldn't do any better than the best solo player.
Transistors also should enable automatic language translation to be built into telephones so people easily can communicate with each other regardless of what languages they speak.
So they are using game theory to make sure the robots can communicate with each other in egalitarian ways.
Vuvuzelas became the unofficial symbol of the World Cup, but they drowned out crowd chants and made it nearly impossible for players to communicate with each other.
They are more apt to have greater ability to communicate with each other, and have learned the importance of compromise and establishing agreement.
These users need to communicate with each other. Currently, when they want to talk, they use Tencent's service.
This protocol permits a client machine and the Web server to negotiate what protocols they will communicate with each other.
They share a common ubiquitous Web protocol (HTTP), so they can communicate with each other despite the fact that they speak different languages.
We'll describe how a bundle's classes are resolved, how they can come and go, and how they can communicate with each other.
However, parents also need to spend more time with their children at the same time so that they can have more chance to communicate with each other.
To allow free flow of information, they have to be able to communicate with each other in a casual way.
They came down out of the trees, built fires, made tools, lived in communities, and began to communicate with each other.
A: Yes, she said they couldn't communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things.
A: Yes, she said they couldn't communicate well with each other and they often argued over trivial things.