Li Dan and Li Fang are twins. They look the same.
In other words, these are not the same element even though they look the same and have identical characteristics.
The rest of the Titans are crowded around, all looking equally confused, with Supergirl saying, "Why do they look the same?"
Crystallographers always believed that all crystals have rotational symmetry, so that when they are rotated, they look the same.
And we've seen that when I printed test and I printed X-axis, they look the same, they are the same. And in fact, I can do this interesting thing now.
Maybe if you looked at two waves you might think they look the same but in reality the subtle qualities and not so subtle qualities like size and power make every wave different.
For example, people might look at what others have, like expensive clothes or nice cars, and wish they could have the same.
Some people look a very talented person and wonder why they are great at what they do and want to be the same yet they don't have the patience to figure who they are themselves.
Since the pages are just templates for form entry and they always look the same, hardly any additional processing and XML data are necessary to display the registration and login pages.
They all look the same to you (red), but Marslings are very, very finicky about shades of red in a way that you never imagined.
Travellers may be going further afield next year as well – more than 23 percent said they look to buy a longer flight for the same price as one nearer to home.
If you look at personal lives through that lens, you'll see the same stunning and sobering pattern: people allocating fewer and fewer resources to the things they would have once said mattered most.
His wife said, "Look, they even walk the same way," and indeed I am told our mannerisms, the way we move our hands when we speak, even our voices are similar.
I realize this every time I shuffle the pieces for a new puzzle. When I look at them, they all seem so unrelated and distant. Not part of the same game. Totally different.
The brain appears to activate in some of the same areas when people look at photos of people they love as when they look at pictures of people they hate--but not people they feel neutrally toward.
Now, this is not the nicest way to do it but it'll work. I can look at the type of the value of base and compare it to the type of an actual float and see, are they the same?
(in clusters, also known as massively parallel processors (MPPs), they don't share the same memory; we will look at this in more detail.)
(在集群中,这也称为大规模并行处理器(massively parallel processor, MPP),它们并不需要共享内存;稍后我们将更详细介绍这方面的内容。)
So that means that each of you, look at the people next to you, should start a company with the three people sitting in your same row because I guarantee you they are part of the A-team.
We got a chance to look closer at the interesting finding… They are approximately of the same size - about one meter in the diameter and in the height as well.
You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts.
Two documents can be semantically equivalent even if they don't look the same — see the previous article for examples.
They could be done for any occasion type and give you sophisticated as well as fashionable look at the same time.
But they would look at the evidence and tell him, "Sorry son, I would end up ruling the same way."
Proper round-tripping doesn't require that the input and output documents look the same; it just requires that they be semantically equivalent.
While this creates havoc with asset matching, this helps the borrowing company look more financially active than they are and presumably appear sounder at the same time.
The eye prefers similarly sized and spaced elements, but if they are all the same, there is no variation on the page making it look unnatural.
They look very much the same. I encourage you to compare your notes for the two side by side to see where they differ.
Today, wedding dresses are all different; no-one wants to look the same as the next bride and, naturally, brides go to extreme lengths to make sure that they stand out from the crowd.
It doesn't matter which one you take - they'll both lead to the same place. They look like dead ends, but they're just false walls.
It doesn't matter which one you take - they'll both lead to the same place. They look like dead ends, but they're just false walls.