The more things change in diabetes treatments, it seems, the more they stay the same.
Says Walker: “Your memories do not stay in the same location, that they are actually transferred from one storage site to a different storage site.
They recognise that the drive for missile defence on the part of the US means that they need to expand their nuclear capabilities in order to stay in the same place.
Moreover, they usually stay aloft even when punctured: the pressure of the helium inside a blimp is about the same as that of the air outside, so the gas does not rush out.
They are better educatedthan the average. They tend to stay in the same job and with the samecompany (an average of seven years, our survey found).
In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone - whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight!
In part that reflects firms' reluctance to hire when they are uncertain if growth is here to stay; the same thing happened after the 2001 recession.
They would haunt any place in the open ocean, but it was impossible to hunt one specific shark: “They don't stay in the same place, they move. They got tails.
When you allocate the children of an object, if the children need to have similar life time as their parent they should be allocated at the same time so they will stay together on the GC heap.
The items in the repository actually stay the same, history is preserved, they are simply being moved to another component.
If two employees get married, they will leave at the same time for a honeymoon, or later one of them will stay at home taking care of babies.
They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
In women, cholesterol levels stay fairly low until menopause, after which they rise to about the same level as in men.
YouTube could delete every clip uploaded in violation of copyright – to some degree they do – but if you have a few thousand people uploading the same clip, how do you stay ahead of that?
We who live in the world stay same in helpless wait for the moment when they separate, namely arrival of death.
They stay in Congress a couple years, then move on to K Street and call on the same people who replaced them.
Memes might stay the same as they transfer from one source to another, but can sometimes 'evolve', modified or expanded by each new recipient.
They expect you to kind of stay in the same place you were at when you started out.
You cannot find someone, even if they deserve it, as your enemy and stay Connected with who you are at the same time, because your Source will not take sides like that.
It was a very small room, but he asked the three men if they would all stay in the same room.
I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth.
With no school and no caregivers, they are prime times to go exploring, but because 1.3 billion other people have the same idea, many expats prefer to stay put or leave the country.
People who move on with their lives don't stay on the same page, they start a new chapter.
People who move on with their lives don't stay on the same page, they start a new chapter.