On Wednesday nights, they stayed late and on Sundays - when the stores were closed - they stayed home.
I have two possible explanations: some people who answered the household survey thought they were still working even though they stayed home because of weather.
Some people refused to go to work out of solidarity with the calls for higher wages, but others said they stayed home because they were simply afraid of trouble.
"Tripolitans are snakes," says a Berber rebel fighter heading home with a cache of stolen weapons. "we fought for six months in the mountains, while they stayed in Tripoli and partied."
I know at least 5 people who got kicked out of my school because they skipped class all the time and stayed home playing World of Warcraft.
"I never imagined that they would fire at us," said Lee Kil-yeo, one of the residents who stayed home on the island Wednesday. "I don't want to live here anymore."
周三呆在岛上家中的居民LeeKil - yeo说:“我从来没有想到,他们会向我们开火,我再也不想住在这里了。”
They found the 1991 children whose moms worked were more likely to be obese than children whose moms stayed at home.
Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very well might be the ones working while their husbands stayed at home, either looking for work or minding the children.
Though the legislators usually stayed a few days longer, something often came up after they had gone home that required me to call them back.
It doesn't matter if they traveled or stayed home - asking about vacation will help you learn what your coworkers enjoy doing and how they unwind away from the office.
They found that most people stayed within an area with a six-mile (10 km) radius while a few did travel hundreds of miles from their home base.
Kitty and Ben stayed at home. They watched TV.
Her husband, who operates a restaurant, stayed behind in Koriyama to ensure they could make payments on their home loan and other bills.
On their way to Wuzhou, they stayed in a villager's home.
He took his girlfriend home after the party and they stayed in the car billing and cooing for a long time before she went into her house.
For some children this is the first time they have stayed away from home for an extended period of time.
They didn't go there, instead they stayed at home.
In Tauranga I stayed with a family who were travel enthusiasts. They designed and built their own motor home and traveled in it for months at a time.
The next day, we stayed close to home in case they called, but they never did.
I stayed home and was just fine. People should watch the weather report and stay home if they anticipate bad weather.
Computer games can become an addiction. I know at least 5 people who got kicked out of my school because they skipped class all the time and stayed home playing World of Warcraft.
Computer games can become an addiction. I know at least 5 people who got kicked out of my school because they skipped class all the time and stayed home playing World of Warcraft.