Spare time when you may wish that a few hair combed down several times, and vulnerable groups to come and listen to what they said, take a look at their thinking.
They are more vulnerable than other groups to the deadly disease, he said, for they are less aware of HIV/AIDS, and move frequently from place to place.
Young school leavers are the vulnerable groups in the labor market, and they encounter many special problems in education and career development.
They are not only a low-level occupational groups of women, it is a special disability Vulnerable groups, So her career is more difficult, even worse living environment.
Pedestrians are in the most disadvantaged position in the traffic system, and they are the most vulnerable groups. Data shows that pedestrian casualties in traffic accidents is in the high.
Detox diets may also be dangerous, as they may deprive vulnerable groups-pregnant women, for instance, or growing teenagers-of the kind of nutrients they need.
Because women are among vulnerable groups in physical and social way, they need being respected, concerned, treasured.
Because women are among vulnerable groups in physical and social way, they need being respected, concerned, treasured.