If you get irritated by other people's anger, apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful. Things could be worse. You could be one of them.
"Things could have been a lot worse" may not be the most stirring of slogans, but when everyone expected utter disaster, it amounts to a policy triumph.
Personal spending has grown at a faster pace in each of the last three quarters. Things could certainly be worse.
Anytime I get upset about my situation, I think, Things could be a lot worse. At least I'm around people who care.
That could easily be just the right amount of time to make things worse rather than better.
One day my friend Adam Grant, a psychologist, suggested that I think about how much worse things could be.
Without the friendly volunteers and welcoming Brazilians, things could be much worse.
Countries at the euro zone's periphery that face years of austerity and high unemployment inside the euro may find it harder to believe that things could be much worse if they left.
Countries at the euro zone's periphery that face years of austerity and high unemployment inside the euro may find it harder to believe that things could be much worse if they left.