I like to think back to high school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.
When I think back to those special days, I appreciate that he helped me go through such a difficult time in my life.
Think back upon those doctors you've liked the most and model your professionalism after theirs.
This is the key to backwards planning, for example, where you start with a goal and think back through the steps needed to reach it until you get to where you are right now.
Think back to the difference between the crowds at Chicago's Grant Park on election night and those clustered at the Biltmore in Arizona.
Think back to your college years. Did you spend more time at the lab bench than at the bar?
When I think back on the incident, I still picture a cross-dressing burglar, jamming to some tunes, heading north to spend approximately three dollars of Canadian money.
Think back to the earlier graphics card example: it is possible for you to replace (or upgrade) your graphics card without having to worry about breaking your entire system.
Think back to the supposedly anonymous search logs released by AOL last year, which were quickly linked to individual users.
When you think back in your life to The Times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?
If you think back to an international vacation, specifically one that happened a long time ago, you should be able to put it out of your mind and feel a little fresher again.
When I think back to those high school memories, they seem like a lifetime ago. I'm glad those times are over, and I can look to the future with a smile.
We all worry more than we have to. When you think back in your life to The Times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?
When I think back on the people who were here to step in for me at a critical moment, I want to make that same kind of difference.
Think back to the days of the wild west.
ScienceDaily (Mar. 3, 2010) —Think back to your last fight with someone you love.
每日科学(2010年3月3日) --回想一下你和心爱的那位最近一次吵架。
That word made me think back to those years in Kentucky as a child-i don't know why, that was the thought.
I often think back to the end of that first Village Meeting, to that standing-ovation moment.
Pain, resentment, guilt, anger, and fear... all of these feelings bubble up inside of us when we think back on our mistakes or the mistakes of those dear to us.
Think back to some of the requirements gathering exercises you've participated in.
But I think back to my Dad playing The Beatles' music so loud we could hear him a half mile away across the lake, and it makes me smile.
I think back to my own school days, of aching fingers and 90-minute essay exams, and wonder how on earth these children manage when they are not used to holding a pen.
Because Mercury will be touring your partnership sector, you may start to think back on an earlier relationship and perhaps consider having a reconciliation or reunion.
Don't be anachronistic; don't think back into the ancient text something that actually arose later.
Think back to when you learned any new skill – driving a car, cooking, learning a language.
回想一下每当你学习一项新技能 –开车,做饭,一门新的语言。
I was never particularly drunk, I don't think, but my memory becomes increasingly misty when I try to think back.
Think back to the last time you really appreciated something, and never remembered to tell the person thank you.
Think back to when men were hunters. The man who was the most successful hunter also got the most women.
You may have a song you used to sing when driving to school or going to bed, think back and you'll be surprised with the result.
You may have a song you used to sing when driving to school or going to bed, think back and you'll be surprised with the result.