Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization.
There's a transfer of knowledge, [but] you're encouraged to state your views, to think broadly.
This requires them to think broadly about the research they are doing, that is to think about their career not only from a scientific, but also from an educational perspective.
The goal of the project is to allow you to think broadly and synthetically about the class material we cover this term or, alternatively, to consider one set of issues in some depth.
Put more broadly, how do we avoid changing the past as we think we have already experienced it?
I think that the newspaper industry has probably been the most affected by disruption this past decade, though in many ways, I think you could extend that to media and publishing more broadly.
These broadly liberal forces offer hope for a better future—more, indeed, than you may think.
As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it.
In regard to negligence, think of duty broadly as an obligation to protect the safety of others.
And broadly speaking, I don't think women are as motivated by badges as much as men are.
Broadly speaking, don't you think women make better drivers than men?
I think the UK can continue to grow its stores at least for three years broadly at the pace we have seen for the past five years.
With Windows 7, Mr. Sinofsky and Ms. Larson-Green pushed developers to share their plans widely and to think more broadly about the experience of using a PC.
Masculinity can be defined broadly as the behavior society expects from males, and how a "true man" should think, feel, and act.
According to the Atlantic, Rutchick and his colleagues found that wearing clothing that's more formal than usual makes people think more broadly, rather than narrowly and about small details.
Most people would think if one has broadly neutralizing antibodies after HIV infection there should be a benefit.
I think my sense is that the sentiment has been moving against this kind of approach both within the economics profession and more broadly.
I think my sense is that the sentiment has been moving against this kind of approach both within the economics profession and more broadly.