According to one great thinker, it is most unfortunate if we lose the ability to think differently.
After hearing the album, they began to think differently.
People may think differently of your methods, but there's no doubt you're doing a great job.
We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.
‘Think differently’ wouldn’t hit the meaning for me.
’Think differently‘表达不出我想要的含义。
The idea behind the changes is to get people to think differently about search, Mr. Tinter said.
I remember I once said to him: One day, you will find a lot of things and you think differently.
But the mercenaries he employs may think differently: they are paid to fight, but not to the death.
Thateconomists and policymakers think differently now is to a great degree MrFriedman's achievement.
When it comes to/talking about…, quite a few people believe that… but other people think differently.
When it comes to/talking about?, quite a few people believe that ?but other people think differently.
I think differently. In a way, it is a very good film. It gives a vivid description of subtle emotions.
He argues that people in different cultures not only think about different things, but also think differently.
That has long been taken to mean "think differently", but the medium gives the lie to this interpretation.
To me, the determining factor is psychological - the consistent winners think differently from everyone else.
Men and women think differently, and even just as friends, men can bring us lots of fun and new perspectives.
And Iams says the large Numbers of sick babies made many doctors begin to think differently about early deliveries.
She had already acknowledged it to herself, and she could not think differently, let him think of her as he would.
“The resulting film made us all think differently about our family, and how important it is to keep memories, ” he says.
Dan Haydon, of the University of Glasgow, and his colleagues believe that conservation biologists should think differently.
格拉斯哥大学(Universityof Glasgow)的丹。何顿(DanHaydon)及其同事认为,保育生物学家(conservation biologist)们的想法应该不同。
He explicitly told the Americans in his victory speech that "friendship means accepting that friends can think differently".
And you do that by confessing your faith because that helps you to think differently about yourself, your situation, and your sin.
I know that doesn't sound very profound, but it does have profound implications if you consider what it means to think differently.
A new study suggests that girls and boys think differently about being judged by their peers as they move through adolescence.
“People are being asked to think differently about risk, ” said Sheila M. Rothman, a professor of public health at Columbia University.
They say that auties, as some people with autism call themselves, don't merely think differently: in certain ways they think better.
They debated the grammatical issue: if "different" was supposed to modify the verb "think", it should be an adverb, as in "think differently."
他们争论着语法问题:假设“different ”用来修饰动词“think ”,那么它应该作为副词,就像“ think differently ”。
This beautiful, well-researched book should make every meat-eater think differently about the lives of the animals that turn up on his or her plate.
One calming tactic that has been shown to improve scores is to teach yourself in advance to think differently about the test, Dr. Driscoll says.
The problem here is most times the couple do have different personalities, and think differently on how to handle problems, or issues in the marriage.