It is important to me to think outside the box or the matrix if you will!
It's time to think outside the box and aim high in all avenues of your life.
When someone says "Think outside the box, " do you feel like stuffing them inside a box?
Sometimes, interviewers just want to get a sense of how well you're able to think outside the box.
Bucala also advises young faculty to think outside the box when it comes to defining their research.
Think outside the boX. Events will move fast and furious now for some - while for others, not fast enough.
Uranus also encourages us to think outside the box and brings a certain eclectic brilliance into our lives.
Be sure to think outside the box and consider any tools that malicious users may employ to penetrate your security.
Maybe the developers of Scribblenauts were bored with existing puzzle games, but something inspired them to think outside the box.
To resolve the conflict between data and theory, a scientist often has to think outside the box and approach the problem from different angles.
They are not even aware of the atrocities of the previous era. They don't hesitate to think outside the box, to take risks, or to have ambition.
As I mentioned in an earlier letter, this project is a pretty extensive project which requires students to think outside the box and be creative.
They included the ability to 'think outside the box', also known as divergent thinking, or the ability to 'connect the dots', known as convergent thinking.
It is important to recognize that a small but significant number of thinkers were willing to think outside the box and were aware of many risks and vulnerabilities.
1: the Wars to Come: in the Season 5 premiere, Varys struggles to convince Tyrion to think outside the box while discussing a potential occupant of the Iron Throne.
In order to think outside the box, we need to consider every possible explanation. But that can only be done once we get rid of our assumptions that hinder fresh insights.
Though it may feel foolish (and getting comfortable with feeling foolish might be another way to think outside the box), try writing a poem about the problem you’re working on.
Think outside the box business success concept as a group of people trapped by high brick walls and a clever businessman leading the pack by finding a new way to success by running on the ledge.
Failure to think outside the box and use the delivery method as a prime criterion for new design, instead creating eLearning courses that merely imitate (often poorly) traditional classroom offerings.
I think we are all capable of going after our dreams, but that does require a little bit of thinking outside the box on our own part - nobody is going to hand us a cookie-cutter dream job.
To generate fresh ideas we have been told to think outside of the box and then jump back in; vision building destroys the box and builds a new one.
To understand the relationship of these attributes, it is easiest to think of a variable as a box with a label attached to the outside.
Pundits often think a goalkeeper handling outside the box is an automatic red: that's not true – it's only a red card if the keeper has denied an opponent an obvious scoring opportunity.
Pundits often think a goalkeeper handling outside the box is an automatic red: that's not true – it's only a red card if the keeper has denied an opponent an obvious scoring opportunity.